Collection of American Flags for Retirement

This Friday, June 14th is Flag Day. Did you know that, just as there is US Code for the proper flying of Old Glory, there is also proper etiquette for disposing of flags in a dignified manner? If you have an old, worn out, or tattered flag, don’t just throw it in the trash with other items. In 1937, the American Legion passed a resolution stating that the approved method of disposing unserviceable flags is that they be destroyed by burning. This takes place in a special Flag Retirement Ceremony which our COTLF/STS Boy Scouts hold occasionally. If you fly a flag at home or at your place of business, check its condition to ensure that it is still fit for service. As we commemorate Flag Day this week, we will be collecting old American Flags in the parish office through the end of the month, to all be handed over to the Scouts for proper retirement at their next ceremony.

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