“To serve the Church as a priest or a religious is indeed a humbling honor which no one merits but which Our Lord chooses for us. We must therefore pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into His vineyard, and we should always pray for vocations to serve the Church in the priesthood and the religious life.”

St. Therese Prayer for Vocations
St. Therese, Little Flower, you are “love in the heart of the Church.” You dedicated your life as a Carmelite Nun for good Priests to serve God’s people.
From your privileged place in God’s Heart, I ask you to stir up responsive hearts in young men to follow Jesus as good and holy Priests and Religious. Bless our Church with loyal servants of the Gospel.
Renew our Church in love by igniting the love of the young men Jesus calls. We need your help, intercession, and intervention today, Beloved Patroness of Priests. Amen.
If you are discerning a vocation to the Priesthood or to the Religious life, know of our prayers and support! Our Parish Staff is available to assist you in that discernment process.