Dear Friends in Christ:
The Church of the Little Flower, which is among the most historical parishes in all of South Florida, provides many active ministries and services in the service of our Lord. Animated by the Spirit and sustained by the Eucharist, the source and summit of our lives as Catholics, our participation in ministry and the community life of the parish makes the faith come alive in concrete ways. Carefully consider how you might grow in your spiritual lives, and how our parish might grow as a community of faith, through your active participation in these ministries and services.

Altar Servers
Boys and girls of the parish, at any point after having received their First Holy Communion, can participate in the service of the liturgy, assisting the priests and deacons by serving at Holy Mass. Training for new servers happens periodically, and server assignments are posted and scheduled each month.
For Ministry schedules, please click here

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Gina SantibañezEmail
Appointed by the Pastor, EMHCs assist the priests and the deacons in the distribution of Holy Communion at all parish Masses.
For Ministry schedules, please click here.

- Gina SantibanezEmail
A liturgical ministry that enables and provides the public reading of Sacred Scripture at daily and Sunday Masses. Lectors also assist in the reading of the Prayers of the Faithful and the weekly parish announcements. Lectoring opportunities are available to both adults and children.
For Ministry schedules, please click here.

Music Ministry
Luis J. CuzaEmail
“Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” – Ephesians 5:18-19
Our Catholic heritage places an emphasis on the use of music in liturgy to further enhance the spiritual rewards reaped by the congregation during mass. The music ministry at the Church of the Little Flower does not take this liturgical responsibility lightly. We are dedicated to upholding the musical legacy of the Catholic Church and are blessed with many members of our parish who serve in bringing a wide variety of beautiful music to our liturgies.

Ushers/Greeter Ministry
- Segundo PlaEmail
Parish ushers help to bring order and dignity to the House of God by words of welcome, holding doors, assisting with seating, accomplishing a census count, the taking up of the Sunday offerings at collection time, and the directing of the processional choreography of the members of the assembly.

Boy Scouts
- Osvaldo GuerraEmail
The Boy Scouts of America are prominently active at the Church of the Little Flower. With conveniently arranged local packs and facilities, the scouting movement here at the parish has championed the growth of young people in body, mind, and soul, promoting love for God and country, growth in maturity, character, good citizenship, and service.

Cursillos de Cristiandad
- Roman LavinaEmail
A pastoral initiative at the archdiocesan level, whose highlight is a weekend-long retreat, encouraging growth in the Christian life and active participation in the life of the Church. The “ultreya” follow-up meetings assist participants in the continuation of their “4th day” on the journey of faith.

Marriage Covenant Retreats (English & Spanish)
This is a powerful marriage enrichment ministry, which offers a weekend retreat to help couples become closer to one another and with God. The retreat, offered in both English and Spanish, consists of talks, group dynamics, testimonies, activities, communication exercises (and romantic meals) which help couples deepen their appreciation for the Sacrament of Matrimony at every stage of marriage.

Men’s Emmaus Retreats (English & Spanish)
The Emmaus movement is a retreat program that encourages discovery of the presence of the Risen Christ on the journey of life, as exemplified in the Gospel account of the Road to Emmaus. Men’s Retreats are offered once a year in both English and Spanish. After the retreat, follow up meetings help to promote a deeper relationship with Christ and a more active practice of the Catholic faith at the parish level.

Perpetual Adoration
- Angelica SantibanezEmail

Schoenstatt Ministry
The Apostolic Movement of Schoenstatt (which means “beautiful place”) focuses on self-education and spiritual formation. “We seek to grow as free, dedicated, and active witnesses of Christ in modern life by uniting our faith with our everyday lives. We look to Mary to educate us in this task and to guide us in becoming better followers of Christ.”

Talleres de Oración y Vida / Prayer & Life Workshops
- Aracelis MateoEmail
TOVs provide a service to the Church by supplying a practical method for learning to pray in an orderly, varied and gradual manner, from the first steps to the depths of contemplation. The members are introduced to the prayer life, and helped to combine prayer with engagement in ordinary temporal activities; to revive their awareness of their status and dignity as baptized Christians, and their responsibilities towards the mission of the Church in the world; to become hothouses of lay vocations to the apostolate and service of the Church in the dioceses and parishes.

Women’s Emmaus Retreats (English & Spanish)
- Marifer OrdoñezEmail
The Emmaus movement is a retreat program that encourages discovery of the presence of the Risen Christ on the journey of life, as exemplified in the Gospel account of the Road to Emmaus. Women’s Retreats are offered once a year in both English and Spanish. Following the retreat, ongoing meetings help to promote a deeper relationship with Christ and a more active practice of the Catholic faith at the parish level.

Amor en Acción
- Adriano GarciaEmail
Amor en Acción is a missionary community of the Archdiocese of Miami, formed in 1976 by a group of young immigrants. They were inspired by the principle of “faith without actions is dead” (James 2:14), seeking ways to share that love they experienced in Christ with those living in poverty and suffering oppression. Sister Diocese relationships have been established in both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Amor en Acción continues to be primarily a volunteer missionary effort, enriched by its roots in a migrant story, and called to live mission in ordinary life, in extraordinary ways.

Jorge SantibáñezEmail

Homebound Ministry
- Gina SantibañezEmail

Homeless Ministry
- Homeless Ministry TeamEmail
The COTLF Homeless Ministry is comprised of altruistic volunteers, mainly from our parish, and outside as well, that provide food, drink, and service to the homeless people of Miami through a partnership with the Miami Rescue Mission. 100% of our donations of food come from our volunteers and neighborhood food stores. We meet once a month on the 2nd Sunday of every month, and our goal is to serve dinner to 350 individuals, men, women, and children at the MRM.
Children 14 years and older are welcomed and will be provided with community service hours.

Infertility Ministry
- Gloria Fonts SuarezEmail
A caring ministry designed to bring spiritual hope and encouragement, support and love, to married couples struggling with infertility or pregnancy/infant loss. Presentations include opportunities for reflection, education, and solidarity with others along the journey. Masses are also scheduled throughout the year to help bring hope and healing.

Knights of Columbus
Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in Connecticut, the Knights of Columbus is a national Catholic fraternal benefit society, formed to render financial aid to members and their families, to the sick, disabled and needy. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among the members, complemented by educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief, and public service initiatives. They also promote priestly vocations and support seminaries and seminarians.

Military/Vets/First Responders Outreach
- David CarvalloEmail

Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Katy DunnEmail
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an ecumenical movement with people praying as they create hand-knitted and crocheted shawls for those in need. Shawls are freely available to anyone in need of special prayers or a warm, comforting spiritual hug.
If you enjoy knitting, and/or crocheting, or you would like to learn, this is a great opportunity to turn this useful hobby into spiritual riches.

Reaching for a Smile
- Maria de CastroEmail

Respect Life Ministry
- Jemima ToyosEmail

Son Flower Hospitality Ministry
- Esther SanchezEmail
A group of dedicated parishioners who strive to make Little Flower a welcoming and inviting spiritual home. The Son Flowers work together in hosting special events, fostering fellowship and community, and organizing the good hospitality at parish socials, prayer services, receptions, and special events.