- Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church
- Readings for the Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, priest and doctor of the Church
Reading 1 Sir 48:1-4, 9-11
In those days,
like a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah
whose words were as a flaming furnace.
Their staff of bread he shattered,
in his zeal he reduced them to straits;
By the Lord’s word he shut up the heavens
and three times brought down fire.
How awesome are you, Elijah, in your wondrous deeds!
Whose glory is equal to yours?
You were taken aloft in a whirlwind of fire,
in a chariot with fiery horses.
You were destined, it is written, in time to come
to put an end to wrath before the day of the LORD,
To turn back the hearts of fathers toward their sons,
and to re-establish the tribes of Jacob.
Blessed is he who shall have seen you
and who falls asleep in your friendship.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 80:2ac and 3b, 15-16, 18-19
R. (4) Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.
O shepherd of Israel, hearken,
From your throne upon the cherubim, shine forth.
Rouse your power.
R. Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.
Once again, O LORD of hosts,
look down from heaven, and see;
Take care of this vine,
and protect what your right hand has planted
the son of man whom you yourself made strong.
R. Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.
May your help be with the man of your right hand,
with the son of man whom you yourself made strong.
Then we will no more withdraw from you;
give us new life, and we will call upon your name.
R. Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.
Alleluia Lk 3:4, 6
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths:
All flesh shall see the salvation of God.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Mt 17:9a, 10-13
As they were coming down from the mountain,– – –
the disciples asked Jesus,
“Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?”
He said in reply, “Elijah will indeed come and restore all things;
but I tell you that Elijah has already come,
and they did not recognize him but did to him whatever they pleased.
So also will the Son of Man suffer at their hands.”
Then the disciples understood
that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist.
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
- Memoria de San Juan de la Cruz, presbítero y doctor de la Iglesia
- Readings for the Memoria de San Juan de la Cruz, presbítero y doctor de la Iglesia
Primera lectura Eclesiástico (Sirácide) 48, 1-4. 9-11
En aquel tiempo, surgió Elías, un profeta de fuego;
su palabra quemaba como una llama.
Él hizo caer sobre los israelitas el hambre
y con celo los diezmó.
En el nombre del Señor cerró las compuertas del cielo
e hizo que descendiera tres veces fuego de lo alto.
¡Qué glorioso eres, Elías, por tus prodigios!
¿Quién puede jactarse de ser igual a ti?
En un torbellino de llamas fuiste arrebatado al cielo,
sobre un carro tirado por caballos de fuego.
Escrito está de ti que volverás,
cargado de amenazas, en el tiempo señalado,
para aplacar la cólera antes de que estalle,
para hacer que el corazón de los padres se vuelva hacia los hijos
y congregar a las tribus de Israel.
Dichosos los que te vieron
y murieron gozando de tu amistad;
pero más dichosos
los que estén vivos cuando vuelvas.
Salmo Responsorial Salmo 79, 2ac. 3b. 15-16. 18-19
R. (4) Ven, Señor, a salvarnos.
Escúchanos, pastor de Israel;
tú que estás rodeado de querubines,
despierta tu poder y ven a salvarnos.
R. Ven, Señor, a salvarnos.
Señor, Dios de los ejércitos, vuelve tus ojos,
mira tu viña y visítala:
protege la cepa plantada por tu mano,
el renuevo que tú mismo cultivaste.
R. Ven, Señor, a salvarnos.
Que tu diestra defienda al que elegiste,
al hombre que has fortalecido.
Ya no nos alejaremos de ti:
consérvanos la vida y alabaremos tu poder.
R. Ven, Señor, a salvarnos.
Aclamación antes del Evangelio Lc 3, 4. 6
R. Aleluya, aleluya.
Preparen el camino del Señor, hagan rectos sus senderos,
y todos los hombres verán al Salvador.
R. Aleluya.
Evangelio Mt 17, 10-13
En aquel tiempo, los discípulos le preguntaron a Jesús: “¿Por qué dicen los escribas que primero tiene que venir Elías?”– – –
Él les respondió: “Ciertamente Elías ha de venir y lo pondrá todo en orden. Es más, yo les aseguro a ustedes que Elías ha venido ya, pero no lo reconocieron e hicieron con él cuanto les vino en gana. Del mismo modo, el Hijo del hombre va a padecer a manos de ellos”.
Entonces entendieron los discípulos que les hablaba de Juan el Bautista.
Los textos de la Sagrada Escritura utilizados en esta obra han sido tomados de los Leccionarios I, II y III, propiedad de la Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana, copyright © 1987, quinta edición de septiembre de 2004. Utilizados con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. Debido a cuestiones de permisos de impresión, los Salmos Responsoriales que se incluyen aquí son los del Leccionario que se utiliza en México. Su parroquia podría usar un texto diferente.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.Amen.
St. Alphonsus Liguori
Spiritual Communion Prayer
At Thy feet, O my Jesus, I prostrate myself and I offer Thee repentance of my contrite heart, which is humbled in its nothingness and in Thy holy presence. I adore Thee in the Sacrament of Thy love, the ineffable Eucharist. I desire to receive Thee into the poor dwelling that my heart offers Thee. While waiting for the happiness of sacramental communion, I wish to possess Thee in spirit. Come to me, O my Jesus, since I, for my part, am coming to Thee! May Thy love embrace my whole being in life and in death. I believe in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee. Amen.
Servant of God Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val
Anima Christi Prayer
Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from Christ’s side, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from Thee.
From the malicious enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee.
That I may praise Thee with Thy saints.
Forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer of Thanksgiving after Communion
Lord, Father all-powerful and ever-living God, I thank You, for even though I am a sinner, your unprofitable servant, not because of my worth but in the kindness of your mercy, You have fed me with the Precious Body & Blood of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that this Holy Communion may not bring me condemnation and punishment but forgiveness and salvation.
May it be a helmet of faith and a shield of good will. May it purify me from evil ways and put an end to my evil passions. May it bring me charity and patience, humility and obedience, and growth in the power to do good. May it be my strong defense against all my enemies, visible and invisible, and the perfect calming of all my evil impulses, bodily and spiritual. May it unite me more closely to you, the One true God, and lead me safely through death to everlasting happiness with You.
And I pray that You will lead me, a sinner, to the banquet where you, with Your Son and holy Spirit, are true and perfect light, total fulfillment, everlasting joy, gladness without end, and perfect happiness to your saints. grant this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
St. Thomas Aquinas
Sunday, December 8th – II Sunday of Advent
PREPARE THE WAY (Charlie Hall)
Prepare the way, prepare the way, prepare the way of the Lord
Prepare the way, prepare the way, prepare the way of the Lord
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
You are the light of the world, You are the light of the world
You are the light of the world Jesus
You are the light of the world, You are the light of the world
You are the light of the world Jesus
PSALM 126 (Francesca LaRosa)
The Lord has done great things for us, we are filled with joy.
READY THE WAY (Curtis Stephan)
Ready the way, ready the way
Ready the way of the Lord
Ready the way, ready the way
Ready the way of the Lord
Make straight the road
Raise the valleys, and the mountain make low
Turning from sin, let the broken be whole
And ready the way of the Lord
As we wait for You
Give us the strength to walk in your truth
So we may love more like You
And ready the way for You, Lord
Let us see your face
In our hearts we prepare a place
Come bring this world your mercy and grace
As we ready the way for You, Lord
EVEN SO COME (Chris Tomlin, Passion)
All of creation, all of the earth
Make straight a highway, a path for the Lord
Jesus is coming soon
Call back the sinner, wake up the saint
Let every nation shout of your fame
Jesus is coming soon
Like a bride waiting for her groom
We’ll be a Church ready for You
Every heart longing for our King
We sing
Even so come, Lord Jesus come
Even so come, Lord Jesus come
There will be justice, all will be new
Your name forever, faithful and true
Jesus is coming soon
So we wait, we wait for You
God we wait, You’re coming soon
So we wait, we wait for You
God we wait, You’re coming soon
O come, O come Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appears
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Has come to thee O Israel
O come, thou Key of David, come
And open wide our heavenly home
Make safe the way that leads on high
And close the path to misery
SOON AND VERY SOON (Andrae Crouch)
Soon and very soon we are going to see the King
Soon and very soon we are going to see the King
Soon and very soon we are going to see the King
Alleluia! Alleluia! We’re going to see the King
No more crying there, we are going to see the King…
No more dying there, we are going to see the King…
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Music by The Call