2nd Collection – Church in Latin America

In 1965, at the end of the Second Vatican Council, the bishops of the United States decided to establish a Collection for the Church in Latin America (CLA). This development followed the recognition of the U.S. bishops that the church in Latin America needed help and it was important to establish a relationship with the sister churches to the South. Since the Collection began, over $185 million has been donated by U.S. Catholics. Due to the generosity of U.S. Catholics, the Collection has been able to award over $92.7 million since year 2000. The collection has been increasing through the years, with about $68.5 million contributed over the past 10 years.

Please give generously through the in-pew collection on the weekend of March 1-2 or make your gift online through the OSV Online Giving Hub. Thank you!

*Please Note: Due to a misprint with our envelopes, some parishioners may have already donated toward this special collection earlier this year.*

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