Our American Heritage Girls troop year is beginning for 2024-2025! Join us Friday, September 6th from 6:00 to 7:00pm at St. Theresa School Cafeteria.
Come meet returning families and become acquainted with our engaging events, outings, and meetings. Girls kindergarten through twelfth grade may join. We are seeking more parent volunteers to join our dynamic board and team. Registration details, yearly theme, patches planned, fundraising, and event sign-ups will be discussed.
AHG Troop 1001 meets in the STS Cafeteria on the 2nd and 4th Friday each month and is open to all girls ages 5 and up.
For details about our local Troop, please contact Holly Gomez at holly@gomezmiami.com

To learn more about American Heritage Girls, please visit www.americanheritagegirls.org