June 20th – XII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- June 17th, 2021

My dear friends, We celebrate Father’s Day in a unique way this year as we continue to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph. We look to Joseph as the model of fatherhood because he was called to raise none other than the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Pope Francis wrote a beautiful Apostolic Letter on …

Catholic Father’s Day Rosary and Eucharistic Procession

- June 10th, 2021

During 2021, the Year of St. Joseph, Catholic families from around the country are gathering together for Eucharistic Processions and the Rosary. Join us on Saturday, June 19th at 11am at the MorningStar Renewal Center to proclaim Jesus Christ, honor St. Joseph, seek to strengthen families, and celebrate fathers in a special way!

Congratulations, Class of 2021!

- June 10th, 2021

We congratulate the St. Theresa School Class of 2021 and recognize Samantha Barreto and Nicole Hoover, this year’s Valedictorian and Salutatorian. We also extend a special word of congratulations as well to all our parishioners, family, friends and STS alumni who make up the Graduating Class of 2021! From elementary school graduates to those completing …

13 de Junio – XI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- June 10th, 2021

Mis queridos amigos, Siempre sonrío cuando entro en la iglesia antes de la Misa y nuestros feligreses abren nuestro boletín por primera vez. Es lo mismo en casi todas las parroquias en las que he estado: lo primero que leemos es cuánto recogimos en el ofertorio la semana anterior y luego vamos a la columna …

June 13th – XI Sunday in Ordinary Time

- June 10th, 2021

My dear friends, I always smile when I walk into the church before Mass and our parishioners open our bulletin for the first time. It is the same in almost every parish I have been at: the first thing we read is how much we collected in offertory the week before and then we go …

6 de Junio – Corpus Christi

- June 3rd, 2021

Mis queridos amigos, Una vez más, quiero disculparme por los boletines que no llegaron a tiempo la semana pasada. Estamos en medio de una transición de una empresa de boletines a otra. Los detalles todavía se están trabajando, y las dos semanas anteriores pudimos imprimirlos. Pero que esto suceda dos veces en el mes de …

June 6th – Corpus Christi

- June 3rd, 2021

My dear friends, Once again, I want to apologize for the bulletins not arriving on time last week. We are in the midst of a transition from one bulletin company to another. The details are still being worked out, and the previous two weeks we were able to get them printed. But having this happen …

Musical Theatre Summer Camp at Comber Hall

- May 27th, 2021

Fiol Studio Musical Theatre Summer Camp presents Peter Pan, Jr! Session A: June 14th – July 9thSession B: July 19 – August 6Monday – Friday, 8am to 4pmComber Hall ● 1251 Palermo Ave ● Coral Gables, FL 33134 REGISTER HERE Join us for the 2021 Musical Theatre Summer Camp. All camps are for kids and …

Marriage Covenant Ministry Meeting

- May 27th, 2021

The Marriage Covenant Ministry will be having its next meeting on Friday, June 4th, at 7:30pm in Comber Hall. Have you ever wondered if your priorities in life are in order? Come to the meeting and find out! Arturo and Lili Lujan, Coordinators of the Kerygma Ministry, will be the guest speakers. For more information …