17 de Enero – II Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- January 14th, 2021

Mis Queridos Amigos, Ahora que las vacunas contra el coronavirus han comenzado a distribuirse, quería compartir con ustedes una declaración de los obispos de los Estados Unidos sobre la moralidad de las vacunas.  Sobre todo, hay que indicar: que es moralmente aceptable recibir la vacuna.  Los obispos estadounidenses lo afirman, el Vaticano lo ha afirmado, …

January 17th – II Sunday in Ordinary Time

- January 14th, 2021

My Dear Friends, Now that the Coronavirus vaccines have begun to be distributed, I wanted to share with you a statement from the U.S. Bishops regarding the morality of the vaccines. Above all, it should be stated: it is morally acceptable to receive the vaccine. The U.S. Bishops affirm this, the Vatican has affirmed this, …

Donate via Venmo!

- January 8th, 2021

Offertory Giving Just Got Easier … Again! You can now quickly and easily make your gifts to the parish via Venmo! Find us at www.venmo.com/COTLF or scan the QR Code to go to our Venmo profile on your smart device.

Holy Hour for Life

- January 8th, 2021

On Monday, January 25th, in connection with the 2021 Virtual March for Life Pilgrimage, COTLF will be hosting a special Holy Hour for Life, led by Fr. Manny, at 8pm inside the church. Music will be provided by our new 5:30pm Youth Mass Choir, “The Call.”

10 de Enero – El Bautismo del Señor

- January 8th, 2021

Mis Queridos Amigos, ¡Con la fiesta de hoy del Bautismo del Señor, concluimos la época navideña y la bendita temporada navideña que hemos tenido. Nuestros sacerdotes estaban encantados, como los Reyes Magos cuando vieron la estrella, cuando vieron la cantidad de personas que vinieron a misa durante la Navidad. Todavía recuerdo la alegría exuberante del Padre Esteban cuando vio …

January 10th – The Baptism of the Lord

- January 8th, 2021

My Dear Friends, With today’s Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we conclude the Christmas season and what a blessed Christmas season we have had. Our priests were overjoyed, like the Magi when they saw the star, when they saw the amount of people that came to Mass during Christmas. I still remember Father …

Homeless & MFR Ministries BBQ Fundraiser

- January 4th, 2021

100% of all proceeds will fund the work of the COTLF Homeless Ministry and the COTLF MFR (Military & First Responders) Ministry
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January 3rd – The Epiphany of the Lord

- January 1st, 2021

My Dear Friends, Happy New Year! I don’t think we have ever started a new year with so much hope in our hearts: hope that some sense of normalcy will return in 2021, hope that this pandemic will soon be relegated to the history books, and hope that this new year will bring us back …

3 de Enero – La Epifanía del Señor

- January 1st, 2021

Mis Queridos Amigos, ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! No creo que hayamos comenzado un año nuevo con tanta esperanza en nuestros corazones: esperanza de que un cierto sentido de normalidad vuelva en 2021, esperanza de que esta pandemia sea pronto relegada a los libros de historia, y esperanza de que este año nuevo nos lleve de vuelta a …