12 de Mayo – Solemnidad de la Ascension del Señor / Dia de las Madres

- May 10th, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, Hoy celebramos el regalo de nuestras madres. ¿Qué es más precioso que una madre? Tan precioso que incluso NuestroSeñor eligió una cuando eligió a la Santísima Virgen Maria. Durante este mes en el que honramos a Maria nuestra Madre, también honramos a todas las madres. Su sacrificio, su amor, su consuelo y …

May 12th – Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord / Mother’s Day

- May 10th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Today we celebrate the gift of our mothers. What is more precious than a mother? So precious that even our Lord chose one when he called the Blessed Virgin Mary. During this month in which we honor Mary our Mother, we honor all mothers too. Their sacrifice, their love, their comfort, and their reassuring presence …

Church of the Little Flower

Una Invitación del Grupo de Mujeres de Emaus

- May 10th, 2024

2nd Collection – Catholic Communications Campaign

- May 10th, 2024

Through websites, social networks, television, radio, and print, the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) helps the Church spread the Gospel message through the media locally and nationally. Half of all donations to the CCC collected stay in the Archdiocese to support local communications needs, such as radio and television programming and diocesan publications. Support the Catholic Communications …

Next Parish Healing Mass

- May 3rd, 2024

On Monday, May 6, we will celebrate a special Healing Mass at 7:00pm in the church. All those in need of special healing graces are invited to attend as we turn to our Blessed Mother and ask for her intercession. Several priests will be on hand to bestow the Anointing of the Sick. Join us …

Rosario Diaria con la Legión de María

- May 3rd, 2024

Durante este mes de Mayo, el mes de Maria, la Legión de Maria invita a todos los feligreses a rezar un rosario diaria, de lunes a viernes, a las 4:45pm en la iglesia, antes de la celebración de la Misa a las 5:30pm. El grupo se reunirá todos los días, menos el lunes 13 de …

Our Lady of Fatima Celebration

- May 3rd, 2024

Join us on Monday, May 13th for a special celebration of Our Lady of Fatima. We will begin with the regular 5:30pm Spanish Daily Mass and Consecration to Our Lady, a 6:15pm processional around the church and across the street to the Priest Rectory Lawn, culminating at 7:00pm with the Bi-Annual Outdoor Rosary. ————— Acompáñanos …

Mother’s Day Novena Beginning May 14th

- May 3rd, 2024

As is our annual tradition here at COTLF, beginning on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12th and continuing for the 8 days following, we will be celebrating a special Novena of Masses in honor and remembrance of all mothers. Parishioners who receive physical envelopes should have received a special Mother’s Day Novena Envelope where they can …

Upcoming Altar Server Training

- May 3rd, 2024

Fr. Andrew will be leading training sessions for our young parishioners in 2nd—8th grades who are interested in being Altar Servers onTuesday, May 7th and Wednesday, May 8th at 7:00 pm in the church. Prospective Altar Servers must have already celebrated their First Communion to begin serving in this important ministry. Children will only need …