Become a Website Sponsor Today

- September 18th, 2020

The upcoming summer months are a perfect time to become a COTLF website sponsor, with increased traffic expected from visitors or extra views from parishioners travelling out of town but wishing to stay connected to COTLF. Through the Website Sponsorship Program you can help us maintain our parish website with important information about parish community …

Faith, Family and Financial Security

- September 17th, 2020

On September 23rd at 7:30 pm on Zoom. World renowned economist, speaker, and author, Tom Hegna, will share his 7 steps to a SECURE retirement! Pre-Register at

Introducing Text-to-Give!

- September 17th, 2020

Introducing a new, convenient way to support your parish: Text-to-Give! To make a quick and easy donation via text message, simply send the code “[gift amount] offertory” to (305) 384-1365. So to make a $20 donation, send 20 offertory or for a $100 donation, send 100 offertory. As we roll out this new giving program, …

20 de Septiembre – XXIV Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

- September 17th, 2020

Mis queridos amigos, A medida que continuamos nuestra jornada a través de esta pandemia, quiero llamar la atención sobre una etapa significativa que alcanzamos la semana pasada, y algunos eventos que se avecinan que, con suerte, nos darán una sensación de normalidad la cual ha sido escasa. El pasado martes 15 de septiembre, nuestra escuela …

September 20 – XXV Sunday in Ordinary Time

- September 17th, 2020

My dear friends,  As we continue our journey through this pandemic, I want to call attention to a significant milestone that we reached this past week, and a few events that are upcoming that will hopefully give us some sense of normalcy which has been in short supply.  Last Tuesday, September 15th, our parochial school …

Catechetical Sunday to be Celebrated on September 20th

- September 11th, 2020

Catechetical Sunday 2020 will be celebrated on Sunday, September 20th!
Those who the community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry by Father Manny at the 10:30am Mass.
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13 de Septiembre – XXIV Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

- September 11th, 2020

Mis Queridos Amigos, Aquí hay una columna que quería compartir con ustedes en marzo, pero luego la pandemia golpeó, y casi todo, excepto el Evangelio, tomó un asiento trasero al virus. Hace unos años, el Padre Davis presentó a la comunidad un plan para construir una entrada para discapacitados con una entrada en el lado …

September 13th – XXIV Sunday in Ordinary Time

- September 11th, 2020

My Dear Friends, Here is a column that I meant to share with you back in March, but then the pandemic hit, and pretty much everything, except the Gospel, took a back seat to the virus. A few years ago, Father Davis presented the community with a plan to build a handicap entrance with a …

Thank you, Donors!

- September 10th, 2020

Thanks to your generosity and support, the new Monstrance for weekly Adoration has now been selected and purchased. We were also able to purchase some additional, and much needed, vestments and other liturgical supplies for the church. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly!