What We Believe About Baptism:

Baptism is the port of entry into a life of faith in Jesus Christ, which finds expression in being a member of His Mystical Body, the Church, concretely lived out in an active sacramental life of faith at a parish.
Baptism has its benefits and responsibilities. Through sacramental signs, Baptism brings the seeds of divine life into the very soul of the child, making the young one into a child of God and a vessel of the Holy Spirit. Baptism confers great dignity upon the child, illumining the young one with grace and spiritual light for the journey ahead. As such, the celebration of Baptism is a moment of great joy for the parents as they see the promises of Christ and the hope of eternity dawn on their child.
It is also a day of great joy for the Church as the words of Christ are fulfilled right before our eyes. The Risen Christ once said, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The ritual of Baptism makes reality this great commission of our Blessed Lord. It thus also becomes a day of great joy for our parish family as we see Christ acting among us, enabling our parish community to grow in number.
For the convenience and needs of our many families at Little Flower, we offer private Baptismal ceremonies, as well as group Baptismal ceremonies.
-Private Baptisms are celebrated on most Saturdays at 10:30am, 11:15am, and 12 Noon. Given the real costs of personnel, supplies, and the readied preparation of the church, an anticipated donation of $300 is requested.
– Group Baptisms are celebrated on most Sundays at 2pm. Addressing the aforementioned real costs to the church, an anticipated donation of $150 is requested for those participating in group Baptisms.
– The date of the Baptism cannot be reserved until all requirements have been met and all documents have been received. Please review the Parent and Godparent Requirements on the tabs above.