March 6th – I Sunday of Lent

From the Pastor’s Desk - March 3rd, 2022

My Dear Friends: As we begin the season of Lent, our hearts are obviously heavy with the events transpiring in Ukraine. On Ash Wednesday, we all spent the day in fasting and prayer to implore our Lord, the Prince of Peace, to restore peace and stability to that region. We have been edified by the …

February 27th – VIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - February 25th, 2022

My Dear Friends: This coming Wednesday we begin the season of Lent. As a Church, we approach this sacred time as a season of opportunity: an opportunity to return to the Lord, an opportunity for silence as we journey with Jesus into the desert, and an opportunity to shed the battle scars of sin to …

February 20th – VII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - February 17th, 2022

My Dear Friends: I pray you are enjoying the long Presidents’ Day Weekend and are finding time to rest. Usually, we don’t mention rest until the summer or around the Christmas holidays, but it is always important to find times to rest in the Lord during the entire year. With that in mind, I want …

February 13 – VI Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - February 10th, 2022

My Dear Friends: Once again, I want to thank all of you for your pledges and donations to the annual fund for the ABCD campaign. I am always overwhelmed by thegenerosity of our parishioners when called on to help the poor and our Church. We’ve passed about a third of our goal already with some …

February 6th – V Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - February 4th, 2022

My Dear Friends: We offer you this beautiful mediation on today’s gospel given by Pope Francis. Enjoy.  In today’s Gospel passage, Luke’s narrative (cf. Lk 5:1-11) offers us the call of Saint Peter. His name — as we know — was Simon, and he was a fisherman. On the shore of the Lake of Galilee, …

January 30th – IV Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - January 28th, 2022

My Dear Friends: I can’t thank you enough for the generosity that you showed last weekend during our ABCD campaign. Even though we did not have the traditional video presentation during the homily, you were very kind with your words of encouragement as I sought to use words to bring the video and the campaign …

January 23rd – III Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - January 22nd, 2022

My dear friends,  In the fourth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, we hear how the early Christian community placed their offerings at the feet of the Apostles to distribute to each according to their need. They were cognizant of the poor in their midst and because of their generosity, we read that “there …

January 16th – II Sunday of Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - January 13th, 2022

From the Desk of Fr. Omar Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: We just have finished our beautiful Christmas Season, and now, we are entering for a little while into the Ordinary Time before we encounter once more the season of Lent. This week’s readings are calling us to put the gifts we have received …

January 9th – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

From the Pastor’s Desk - January 6th, 2022

My Dear Friends, Last week, I introduced you to our new parish initiative of instituting “Formation Wednesdays” to increase our collective understanding of our Catholic faith. Due to scheduling conflicts this month and a school Confirmation Mass, we will not be able to begin our Formation Wednesdays until February 2. During that month, Father Omar …