January 9th – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

From the Pastor’s Desk - January 6th, 2022

My Dear Friends, Last week, I introduced you to our new parish initiative of instituting “Formation Wednesdays” to increase our collective understanding of our Catholic faith. Due to scheduling conflicts this month and a school Confirmation Mass, we will not be able to begin our Formation Wednesdays until February 2. During that month, Father Omar …

January 2nd – The Epiphany of the Lord

From the Pastor’s Desk - December 30th, 2021

My dear friends,  Happy New ! And Happy Epiphany! (Ok. Let’s try this again.)  For many, the last two years have felt like we have been in a kind of stasis. We haven’t tried new things or gone on any bold adventures because of COVID. While as a parish we started emerging from ministerial hibernation last year, there is still so …

December 26th – Solemnity of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

From the Pastor’s Desk - December 23rd, 2021

My Dear Friends, Merry Christmas! We welcome those who are visiting our beautiful church this Christmas weekend. We pray that you will find here the warmth, the peace, and the presence of the Christ Child born in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago.  In the days leading up to this Feast of our Redemption, our Carmelite Sisters …

December 19 – IV Sunday of Advent

From the Pastor’s Desk - December 16th, 2021

My Dear Friends: There’s a word that should jump out at all of us as we read/listen to today’s readings: the word “small.” Today we gather on this last Sunday of Advent to celebrate, to rejoice in, and to remember that salvation came from a small town and from a small human being who also …

December 12th – III Sunday of Advent

From the Pastor’s Desk - December 9th, 2021

My Dear Friends, Pure joy! On the opening night of the fair last weekend, after going through a lockdown and a pandemic that we’re still going though and all the obstacles we underwent to get to that point, I stood by myself near one of the rides just observing the pure joy on the faces …

December 5th – II Sunday of Advent

From the Pastor’s Desk - December 3rd, 2021

My Dear Friends, As we continue our Advent journey, I want to revisit one the key figures of Christ’s nativity: St. Joseph.  This coming Wednesday, the Year of St. Joseph draws to a close.  One year ago, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, proclaimed a year dedicated to Joseph, the spouse of our Blessed Mother.  It …

November 28th – I Sunday of Advent

From the Pastor’s Desk - November 26th, 2021

My Dear Friends, Advent is here! What a blessing that we are able to enter this holy season to prepare our hearts for the coming of our Lord! When I was a child, my family had a hard and fast rule that we would not start decorating the house for Christmas until December 1st. As …

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

From the Pastor’s Desk - November 18th, 2021

My Dear Friends, Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King, and our liturgical year draws to a close. Next Sunday, we begin the Advent season and the themes that we heard in last week’s readings and in today’s will be present in the liturgy for the next month: Christ is coming! Today’s second …

November 14th – XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - November 11th, 2021

My Dear Friends, You’ve probably seen it announced in the bulletin over the last month or so, but I wanted to make it official: the Parish & School Fair will go on as planned on December 3-5 on the grounds of our school! We are very excited! So many of you have approached me about …