O Lord God Almighty, by sending Your only Son to establish
the One True Church through the power of the Holy Spirit,
you gave humanity a sanctuary from the world.
We humbly implore your blessing upon
the Church of the Little Flower and St. Theresa Catholic School
as we observe our Centennial.
Through the intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel,
Saint Joseph, and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux,
bestow perpetual growth on our parish family
as we take refuge in your infinite grace.
Enlighten us to learn from our past
as we build on the legacy of our founding parishioners,
and help us to look to the future so that we may persist
in the work of spreading the Gospel.
Fill us with gratitude in this Year of Jubilee as we live secure
in the certain hope that you will be with us forever.
We ask this through Christ the Lord. Amen.