My Dear Friends,
As we continue the National Eucharistic Revival that began last month on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, we are blessed that our Holy Father, Pope Francis has gifted us with an Apostolic Letter on the liturgy for our reflection. The letter was released just a few weeks ago on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29. It is titled “Desiderio Desideravi” which comes from the first two words of this wonderful verse from St. Luke’s gospel that our Lord utters to his disciples: “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer (Lk 22:15).”
Our understanding of the liturgy we celebrate every Sunday is crucial to not only our ongoing formation as faithful Catholics, but it is necessary for our work as missionary disciples. I invite you to read this letter which is so rich with catechesis and insight into the Eucharistic celebration. Over the next few weeks as Father Andrew and I continue to take our summer rest with our families, we will be publishing excerpts from this Apostolic Letter for your reflection. I pray these words accompany you during these summer months as we rest and recharge to continue the work of going forth to proclaim the Good News of the Lord.
Read the full text of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter.
God bless you all,