My Dear Friends,
Since Father Andrew has written the regular bulletin column, I just wanted to write down a few words of thanks for his service to our parish during the last two years. He has been a good and faithful servant and a wonderful spiritual father to all of you. His well-prepared and inspiring homilies have been a source of inspiration and comfort for our community. To the priests of the house, he has been a loyal brother and confidante. His tireless work ethic is going to serve him well as he gets a parish of his own at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. We will miss him, but the Lord is calling him now to minister to the good people of Coral Springs. I can think of no better day to celebrate his last Mass with us as our vicar than Father’s Day because he has been a good father to us all.
On a personal note, I will miss the comradery we shared watching sporting events, collaborating on parish projects, and trying to solve the world’s problems over meals. He is a true friend and brother. A priest is always called to go where the Holy Spirit takes him. Yes, it is always hard on the people the priest leaves behind, but I always say that it is harder on the priest since we all stay behind together, and he goes off on his own. The Spirit of the Lord goes with him, and he will do great things in that corner of God’s vineyard. Please keep Father Andrew in your prayers as he begins this new assignment. May Christ the Good Shepherd be his model as he becomes a pastor, and may his priestly heart always beat in sync with the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
God bless you all,