Dear family:
We are already in the month of May, the month that traditionally is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our heavenly mother. And what better way to begin this month than to celebrating our own mothers this weekend in which Mother’s Day takes place.
I am still learning how to be without her physical presence in my life, but I am not sad anymore. I know that she completed her pilgrimage in time and now she has begun her pilgrimage in eternity. I know that we always meet at the Banquet of the Lord, in the Eucharist, when heaven and earth come together to share the glory of our Savior and Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ. As I receive Him and become one with Him, I know my mother shares with Him and becomes also one with Him. That is the joy of the Resurrection we all share in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, we must look forward to that union with Christ; it will also bring a union with the saints and all those who has passed away from this world to the heavenly realm. What a magnificent moment when heaven and earth are together in adoration and remembrance of Him who is our salvation and our hope for life eternal. So, let us rejoice and be glad, for we have a God who is loving, merciful and compassionate.
Happy Mother’s Day again to all the mothers of this beautiful community of The Little Flower; and as I said in your funeral Mass, Mom, I will see you in the Eucharist again.

Yours in Christ Jesus!
Fr. Omar