My Dear Friends,
Two weeks ago, Comber Hall was as full as I have ever seen as we hosted an exhibit and presentation of Eucharist Miracles. It was edifying for me as a pastor to see so many of you there because it reaffirmed to me that our community is truly in love with our Eucharistic Lord. As we heard the stories of all the miracles of the Eucharist throughout Church history, our faith was strengthened and our love for the Eucharist deepened.
I was going to wait until Advent started to make this announcement but because the presenter posed an important question, I felt the Spirit compelling me to answer that evening and now here in this space. The question he asked was: “Do you have Perpetual Adoration in your parish?” Some people in the first row were saying “no” or saying “somewhat” and as I was standing all the way in the back listening to the presentation, I said rather firmly: “YES!” So I went up to the microphone and told everyone that we indeed have Perpetual Adoration to everyone’s surprise.
How did this happen so suddenly and why could I make this important announcement? If you recall way back in December 2019 before the pandemic, I wrote in the bulletin that I wanted the parish to embrace Eucharistic Adoration during 2020. When Lent began, we expanded the hours of adoration in our chapel in the Parish Center and we had a signup campaign to cover all the hours with the hope of eventually opening up the chapel 24/7. Then COVID happened and our best laid plans were derailed. Over the summer, we installed a curtain in the chapel that covers the Exposed Blessed Sacrament. It opens automatically at 8:30am when our adorers’ schedule starts and closes at 4:30pm. But we recently moved the remote that opens that curtain to right next to the light switch so that our Lord is never alone when he is exposed in the Blessed Sacrament. (This idea actually came from Archbishop Wenski who told me about it a few years ago when he saw it in a chapel in Orlando.)
Now we can begin adoring the Lord at any time. The side door of the parish center (the one that faces the church) has a combination lock where anyone can access the chapel at any time of day or night. The lights by the door are about to be changed so they are on in the evening or at least turn on when motion is detected. The most important thing to remember is that we have access to the Eucharistic Lord 24/7. Hence the combination to the door is 2407.
This is also a good time to encourage you to sign up for an hour of adoration a week. A good Holy Hour does wonders for the soul. You can sign up for your Holy Hour by visiting our webpage at During this month in which we give thanks, let us always go to the feet of the Master to give him thanks and to adore him. Spend time with Christ in our Adoration Chapel. He is there waiting
specifically for you!
God bless you all,