Amor en Acción
- Adriano GarciaEmail
Amor en Acción is a missionary community of the Archdiocese of Miami, formed in 1976 by a group of young immigrants. They were inspired by the principle of “faith without actions is dead” (James 2:14), seeking ways to share that love they experienced in Christ with those living in poverty and suffering oppression. Sister Diocese relationships have been established in both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Amor en Acción continues to be primarily a volunteer missionary effort, enriched by its roots in a migrant story, and called to live mission in ordinary life, in extraordinary ways.

Jorge SantibáñezEmail

Homebound Ministry
- Gina SantibañezEmail

Homeless Ministry
- Homeless Ministry TeamEmail
The COTLF Homeless Ministry is comprised of altruistic volunteers, mainly from our parish, and outside as well, that provide food, drink, and service to the homeless people of Miami through a partnership with the Miami Rescue Mission. 100% of our donations of food come from our volunteers and neighborhood food stores. We meet once a month on the 2nd Sunday of every month, and our goal is to serve dinner to 350 individuals, men, women, and children at the MRM.
Children 14 years and older are welcomed and will be provided with community service hours.

Infertility Ministry
- Gloria Fonts SuarezEmail
A caring ministry designed to bring spiritual hope and encouragement, support and love, to married couples struggling with infertility or pregnancy/infant loss. Presentations include opportunities for reflection, education, and solidarity with others along the journey. Masses are also scheduled throughout the year to help bring hope and healing.

Knights of Columbus
Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in Connecticut, the Knights of Columbus is a national Catholic fraternal benefit society, formed to render financial aid to members and their families, to the sick, disabled and needy. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among the members, complemented by educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief, and public service initiatives. They also promote priestly vocations and support seminaries and seminarians.

Military/Vets/First Responders Outreach
- David CarvalloEmail

Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Katy DunnEmail
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an ecumenical movement with people praying as they create hand-knitted and crocheted shawls for those in need. Shawls are freely available to anyone in need of special prayers or a warm, comforting spiritual hug.
If you enjoy knitting, and/or crocheting, or you would like to learn, this is a great opportunity to turn this useful hobby into spiritual riches.

Reaching for a Smile
- Maria de CastroEmail

Respect Life Ministry
- Jemima ToyosEmail

Son Flower Hospitality Ministry
- Esther SanchezEmail
A group of dedicated parishioners who strive to make Little Flower a welcoming and inviting spiritual home. The Son Flowers work together in hosting special events, fostering fellowship and community, and organizing the good hospitality at parish socials, prayer services, receptions, and special events.