Using Your Church Envelopes
Once you’ve been added to the database, you will be included in the bi-monthly mailing of offertory envelopes, which will be pre-printed with your name, address, and parishioner/envelope number. Be sure to bring these envelopes to Mass each weekend to place in the collection basket. Weekly donations made via your envelope are tracked within the database for ease of providing parishioners with accurate end-of-year contribution acknowledgement letters. The use of envelopes also helps us generally track Mass attendance and participation.
While waiting for the next mailing of church envelopes, feel free to use a plain envelope with your parishioner number written clearly on the outside or add your parishioner number to the notes line if you write checks.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO OUR SCHOOL & REL.ED. FAMILIES: The green children’s envelopes provided to each student at the start of each school year are not the same as parishioner envelopes and there is no way of tracking those unless you manually write in your parishioner number.
Using Online Giving

Parishioners have the option of signing up for OSV Online Giving, at, in order to make automatic contributions via a credit/debit card or electronic funds transfer. Pledges or gifts to the Centennial Campaign may also be managed directly through this same system.
When signing up for Online Giving, you will not see anywhere to add an envelope number, but don’t worry! After making your first donation, we will link your envelope number on the back end of the system and all future donations will be credited appropriately. Signing up for Online Giving is not the same as registering as a parishioner. Gifts made via OSV Online Giving that cannot be matched to an existing database entry will be credited to the Anonymous Donor entry.
Sign up for Online Giving today and easily make a one-time donation or set up a recurring gift!