The COTLF Parish Database is called ParishSoft Family Suite. Once added as a member, you will be assigned a parishioner number (or envelope number). This number is used to track your offertory gifts, and by extension, your participation in Sunday Mass and the life of the parish. Though many people come to Little Flower regularly, we may have no record in the database if you have never formally registered as a parishioner!
Registering as a new parishioner or updating your family/contact information can be done online or right from your smart devices! Navigate to and follow the step by step instructions to create your login username and password. Once verified by the parish office, you will be assigned a parishioner number and granted full access to update your family record. You can then login any time to review or add family members, easily provide any updates to your contact information, find your envelope number, review your annual contribution history, and more.
If you are currently received church envelopes but have never created a login account, follow the same steps as a new user and the system will help us match that login to your existing database record. As always, you can also call or visit the parish office for any assistance with registering or updating your family or individual record.