3 de Marzo – III Domingo de Cuaresma

- February 29th, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, “Destruid este templo y en tres días lo levantaré”. (Juan 2:19.) Como sacerdote, muchas veces he tenido que caminar con un feligrés que se está recuperando de la adicción al alcohol o a las drogas. Siempre me edifico cuando veo el progreso que hacen cuando se rinden al Señor durante su recuperación. …

March 3rd – III Sunday of Lent

- February 29th, 2024

My Dear Friends, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19)  As a priest, so many times I’ve had to walk with a parishioner who is recovering from alcohol or drug addiction. I am always edified when I see the progress they make when they surrender themselves to the …

Annual Easter Egg Hunt – Rescheduled to April 7th!

- February 29th, 2024

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt, presented by Casa Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, has been rescheduled toSunday, April 7th at 2:00pm on the lawn of the Priest Rectory House.Join us as we celebrate the Octave Day of Easter and the Resurrection of Our Lord!

25 de Febrero – II Domingo de Cuaresma

- February 23rd, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, A medida que continuamos nuestro camino de Cuaresma, como Jesús en el desierto, a menudo somos guiados a donde no queremos ir.  Esto es parte de la gran aventura de ser cristiano: que, al seguir a Cristo, Él nos lleva por caminos que normalmente no seguiríamos.  La Cuaresma es también un tiempo …

February 25th – II Sunday of Lent

- February 23rd, 2024

My Dear Friends, As we continue our Lenten journey, like Jesus in the desert, we are often led to where we do not want to go. This is part of the great adventure of being a Christian: that as you follow Christ, he leads us down paths that we would not normally follow. Lent is …

Office Closed on Monday

- February 15th, 2024

In observance of the national President’s Day Holiday, the Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 19th. Masses will still be celebrated as regularly scheduled at 6:15am and 8:00am in English and at 5:30pm in Spanish.

15 de Febrero – I Domingo de Cuaresma

- February 15th, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, Silencio. Ese sonido es tan raro. Muchos de nosotros evitamos el silencio. Sé que ha habido momentos en mi vida que lo he evitado, pero, sin embargo, los momentos más bendecidos que he tenido en mi vida espiritual son cuando lo he aceptado. Sólo en silencio podemos escuchar la voz de Dios. …

February 15th – I Sunday of Lent

- February 15th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Silence. That sound is so rare. Many of us avoid silence. I know there have been times in my life that I have avoided it, but yet the most blessed times I have had in my spiritual life are when I have embraced it. Only in silence can we listen to the …

COTLF Homeless Ministry: Mission Hope

- February 8th, 2024

During the month of February, the Homeless Ministry at the Church of the Little Flower will be participating in a “Mission Hope” hygiene kit campaign benefiting the Caring Place (Miami Rescue Mission).  As part of this campaign, we have secured over 100 empty purple plastic bags that need to be filled with personal hygiene items for …