21 de Enero – III Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- January 20th, 2024

El pasaje evangélico de este domingo (cf. Mc 1,14-20) nos muestra el “paso del testigo” —por así decir— de Juan el Bautista a Jesús. Juan ha sido su precursor, le ha preparado el terreno y le ha preparado el camino: ahora Jesús puede iniciar su misión y anunciar la salvación ya presente: Él es la salvación. Su …

January 21st – III Sunday in Ordinary Time

- January 20th, 2024

Reflection from Pope Francis on today’s Gospel:  This Sunday’s Gospel passage (cf. Mk 1:14-20) shows us, so to speak, the “passing of the baton” from John the Baptist to Jesus. John was His precursor; he prepared the terrain for Him and he prepared the way for Him: Jesus can now begin his mission and announce the salvation …

Eucharistic Cenacle at COTLF – Friday, January 12th

- January 12th, 2024

The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary invite you to accompany them this Friday, January 12th in the Eucharistic Cenacle. It begins with the Holy Rosary at 7:30pm, Holy Mass at 8:00pm, followed by a time of Adoration and Praise before the Blessed Sacrament and then prayer for the sick and intercession …

2024 Archbishop’s Cup – Priests v. Seminarians

- January 12th, 2024

Before the CONMEBOL Copa America takes place in the summer time, there is one game that must be played. Watch the priests and the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Miami battle it out on the soccer pitch.  Early in 2023 we had a great crowd and an exciting game. Join us on Jan. 26, 2024 to see what …

2024 STS Pig-Nic

- January 12th, 2024

Don’t miss out on a good time! Join us for the 17th Annual STS Pig-Nic on Saturday, January 28th from 1pm to 4pm.
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Women’s Emmaus Retreat

- January 12th, 2024

The Church of the Little Flower Women’s Emmaus Ministry cordially invites you to our next retreat. Join us for a weekend of joy, hope and renewal. Make new friends and take time to strengthen your relationship with God. You will be pampered and loved!! Come to an Emmaus retreat and you will never be the …

2023 Charitable Contribution Acknowledgement Letters

- January 12th, 2024

Charitable Contribution Acknowledgement Letters will be generated and sent out by the end of the month to all registered families who donated a minimum of $250 to COTLF in 2023. These letters will include donations made to the regular weekly offertory, any special/second collections, and/or the Centennial Campaign. Please be on the lookout for those …

Church of the Little Flower

2nd Collection – Church in Latin America

- January 12th, 2024

Christ calls his disciples to love God and to love our neighbor. We can show love for our neighbors by performing corporal works of mercy, which include feeding those who are hungry, giving shelter to those who are homeless, and visiting prisoners. For more than 50 years, the US bishops’ program to aid the Church …

14 de Enero – II Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- January 11th, 2024

Mis queridos amigos,  A medida que continuamos nuestra jornada hacia el 100 aniversario de nuestra parroquia en 2026, es posible que algunos de los trabajos de renovación que habíamos planeado para ese año tengan que suceder más temprano que tarde. Déjame explicar. En la víspera de Año Nuevo hace dos semanas, el Padre Andrew estaba …