November 19th – XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- November 16th, 2023

My Dear Friends: Almost 20 years ago right before Thanksgiving, one of the kids in the youth group that I was leading in my first parish shared with me a homework assignment she had received in her religion class in Carrollton during her freshman year of high school. Her teacher asked the students to take …

Roof Repair and Water Sealing is Complete!

- November 10th, 2023

After some unexpected delays with the original scope of work and the addition of the pressure cleaning and sealing of the windows, keystone, and decorative façade at the entrance of the church, we’re happy to share that the 2023 roof replacement project is now officially complete! Work on repairing the broken sidewalks is well underway …

12 de noviembre – XXXII Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- November 9th, 2023

Mis queridos amigos,  En este mes de noviembre rezamos particularmente por nuestros fieles difuntos. Les ofrezco esta reflexión de nuestro querido recién fallecido Papa Benedicto XVI que compartió estas palabras sabias sobre las lecturas de hoy hace 12 años. Presten atención a la sabiduría de la segunda lectura particularmente:  Las lecturas bíblicas de la liturgia de …

November 12 – XXXII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- November 9th, 2023

My Dear Friends: As we continue this month of November dedicated to prayer for our faithful departed, I offer you this reflection on today’s readings given 12 years ago by our dearly departed Pope Benedict XVI. I ask you to pay particular attention to the second reading today:  The Biblical Readings of this Sunday’s Liturgy …

Parish Fair

- November 3rd, 2023

The 2023 COTLF-STS Parish Fair, presented by Casa Smiles, was, by all measures, another overwhelming success! We would like to thank the Parish Fair Committee and all our dedicated COTLF/STS parents and staff who came out to volunteer throughout the weekend. From the setup on Thursday and Friday through clean-up on Sunday night, and everything …

5 de Noviembre – XXXI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- November 3rd, 2023

Mis queridos amigos,  En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús les dice a los discípulos: “No llames a nadie en la tierra tu padre”. No lo dice literalmente, porque simplemente está advirtiendo a los discípulos sobre el sentimiento de superioridad que los fariseos habían adquirido sobre todos los títulos que les gustaba que se les llamara. …

November 5th – XXXI Sunday in Ordinary Time

- November 3rd, 2023

My Dear Friends: In today’s gospel, Jesus tells the disciples, “Call no one on earth your father.” He does not mean this literally, for he is simply warning the disciples about the feeling of superiority that the Pharisees had gotten over all the titles they enjoyed being called. For me, the title “father” has never …

2024 Mass Intentions Book

- October 27th, 2023

Offering a Mass for a special intention is a long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church. It is usually considered that special graces are obtained for whom the Mass is said. Masses are offered for many reasons; for the souls in purgatory, in remembrance for someone who is deceased, for someone who is ill, or for …

29 de Octubre – XXX Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- October 27th, 2023

Mis queridos amigos,  La tradición católica de ofrecer Misas por nuestros seres queridos particularmente los que han fallecido se puede trazar a los inicios de la Iglesia Católica. En la Eucaristía nosotros nos unimos de una manera única con los fieles difuntos y con la comunión de los santos. ¿Por qué ofrecemos Misas por nuestros seres queridos? Miremos al Catecismo …