26 de Marzo – V Domingo de Cuaresma

- March 23rd, 2023

Mis queridos amigos,  Ya que empezamos las últimas dos semanas de cuaresma, les ruego a todos de hacer una buena confesión, antes del Jueves Santo, si no lo han hecho ya durante esta Cuaresma.  En este boletín, encontraran el horario de Semana Santa y un horario especial para el horario deconfesiones que tendremos antes del …

March 26th – V Sunday of Lent

- March 23rd, 2023

My Dear Friends, As we begin Passiontide and are two weeks away from Easter, I urge all of you to make a good Lenten confession, if you have not already done so, before Holy Thursday. Elsewhere in this bulletin, you will find the Holy Week Schedule plus a specialized schedule with all the times we …

Parish Lenten Mission

- March 16th, 2023

7:30pm in the church / en la iglesia Monday, March 27 From the Prodigal Son to the Forgiving Father Fr. Manny Alvarez Tuesday, March 28 Holy Week Liturgy and Tradition:To the Empty Tomb Through Calvary Fr. Andrew Tomonto Miercoles, 29 de Marzo “Cuaresma, una invitación al encuentro con el corazón de Jesús” Padre Raimundo CostaMovimiento …

19 de Marzo – IV Domingo de Cuaresma

- March 16th, 2023

Mis queridos amigos,  “Despiértate, tú que duermes; levántate de entre los muertos, y Cristo te alumbrará.” (Efesios 5:14)  “No se trata de lo que el hombre ve; pues el hombre se fija en las apariencias, pero yo me fijo en el corazón.” (1 Samuel 16:7)  Tengo un problema con las personas que proclaman a un …

March 19th – IV Sunday of Lent

- March 16th, 2023

My Dear Friends, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light” (Ephesians 5:14)  “Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the LORD looks into the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)  I’ve got a problem with people who proclaim a God who punishes us for …

St. Patrick’s Day Dispensation

- March 9th, 2023

Archbishop Thomas Wenski has issued the following statement in response to questions regarding granting a dispensation from eating meat on St. Patrick’s Day 2023. March 17th is observed by many as St. Patrick’s Day. This year March 17 falls on a Friday of Lent, a day of fasting and abstinence. Many have asked for a …

Archdiocese of Miami 65th Anniversary Gala

- March 9th, 2023
Church of the Little Flower

12 de Marzo – III Domingo de Cuaresma

- March 9th, 2023

Mis queridos amigos,  “Vengan a ver a un hombre que me ha dicho todo lo que he hecho”. (Juan 4:29)  Se despertó esa mañana y siguió con su rutina normal. La mujer samaritana fue a sacar agua del pozo sin saber que ese mismo día su vida sería alterada para siempre. Vemos cuán lenta pero …

March 12th – III Sunday of Lent

- March 9th, 2023

My Dear Friends, “Come see a man who told me everything I have done.” (John 4:29)  She woke up that morning and went about her normal routine. The Samaritan woman went to draw water from the well not knowing that on that very day her life would be altered forever. We see how slowly but …