October 30th – XXXI Sunday in Ordinary Time

- October 28th, 2022

My Dear Friends, The Catholic tradition of offering Masses for our loved ones, especially those who have died, can be traced to the beginnings of the Catholic Church. In the Eucharist we are united in a unique way with the faithful departed and the Communion of Saints. Why do we offer Masses for our loved …

Church of the Little Flower

23 de Octubre – XXX Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- October 21st, 2022

El Padre Manny le pidió al Padre Andrew que compartiera su homilía del pasado domingo en el boletín de esta semana: Siempre hay mucho más sucediendo de lo que parece. Un gran beneficio en nuestra era moderna ha sido el avance de la ciencia que nos permite mirar en los misterios del universo tanto mucho …

Church of the Little Flower

October 23rd – XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time

- October 21st, 2022

Father Manny asked Father Andrew to publish his homily from last weekend in today’s bulletin: There is always far more going on than meets the eye. A great benefit in our modern era has been the advance of science allowing us to peer into the mysteries of the universe both far beyond us in the cosmos …

2nd Collection – Society for the Propagation of the Faith (World Mission Sunday)

- October 21st, 2022

The Society for the Propagation of the Faith is an international association coordinating assistance for Catholic missionary priests, brothers, and nuns in mission areas. The society was founded in Lyon, France, in 1822, by Pauline Jaricot and is the oldest of four Pontifical Mission Societies of the Catholic Church. The Propagation of the Faith continues …

16 de Octubre – XXIX Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- October 13th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos, Este próximo sábado 22 de octubre es la fiesta del Papa San Juan Pablo II. Pensé que sería apropiado revisar algunos de sus dichos y citas más famosas para que podamos llevarlas a la oración esta semana. Cada una de ellas es una joya en la que podríamos meditar durante días. ¡San …

October 16th – XXIX Sunday in Ordinary Time

- October 13th, 2022

My Dear Friends, This coming Saturday, October 22 is the Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II. I thought it would be fitting to revisit some of his most famous sayings and quotes so that we may take them to prayer this week. Each of them is a gem that we could meditate on for …

Legión de María

- October 7th, 2022

La Legión de María es una organización mundial de hombres y mujeres de tal fuerza e inquietudes que hace que el Cristianismo forma una parte vibrante, vital, y Cristo-céntrica de la vida del hombre de hoy. El Apostolado Laico forja apóstoles que sirven a Cristo en el mundo, en la persona, “del mas pequeño de …

9 de Octubre – XXVIII Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- October 7th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos, “La semana pasada, les pregunté a los niños de la misa de las 9:00 am, “¿cuál es una forma en que podemos aumentar nuestra fe?” Uno de los niños dijo: “rezar más”, mientras que otro dijo: “venir a misa”, y luego un niño dijo: “¡rezar el rosario!” Poco sabía este joven que …

October 9th – XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- October 7th, 2022

My Dear Friends, Last week, I asked the children at the 9:00 a.m. Mass, “what is one way that we can increase our faith?” One of the kids said, “pray more,” while another said, “go to Mass,” and then one child said, “pray the rosary!” Little did this young man know that I already had …