Summer 2024

- June 27th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Thank you for the incredible welcome you gave to Father David last weekend. I know he felt the love of this community: the love that you always show to all our priests. The joy of the priesthood is contagious because we share the Word of God and the Real Presence of Christ …

23 de Junio – XII Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- June 20th, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, Este fin de semana damos la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo vicario parroquial, el Padre David Zallocco, a la familia Little Flower. El padre David fue ordenado sacerdote el mes pasado, y esta es su primera asignación como sacerdote. Nuestra parroquia no es ajena a dar la bienvenida a sacerdotes recién ordenados y …

June 23rd – XII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- June 20th, 2024

My Dear Friends, This weekend we welcome our new parochial vicar, Father David Zallocco, to the Little Flower family. Father David was just ordained last month, and this is his first assignment as a priest. Our parish is no stranger for welcoming newly  ordained priests and forming them to be great leaders within the Church. …

16 de Junio – XI Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- June 13th, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, Ya que el Padre Andrew ha escrito la columna regular del boletín, solo quería expresar unas palabras de agradecimiento por su servicio a nuestra parroquia durante los últimos dos años. Ha sido un buen y fiel servidor y un maravilloso padre espiritual para todos ustedes. Sus homilías bien preparadas e inspiradoras han …

June 16th – XI Sunday in Ordinary Time

- June 13th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Since Father Andrew has written the regular bulletin column, I just wanted to write down a few words of thanks for his service to our parish during the last two years. He has been a good and faithful servant and a wonderful spiritual father to all of you. His well-prepared and inspiring …

16 de Junio – Mensaje de Despedida del Padre Andrew

- June 13th, 2024

“El Reino de Dios se parece a lo que sucede cuando un hombre siembra la semilla en la tierra: que pasan las noches y los días, y sin que él sepa cómo, la semilla germina y crece.” Qué apropiado es el Evangelio de este domingo para la despedida de un sacerdote de una comunidad parroquial …

June 16th – Farewell Message from Fr. Andrew

- June 13th, 2024

“This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how.” How appropriate this Sunday’s Gospel is for a priest’s farewell …

Collection of American Flags for Retirement

- June 7th, 2024

This Friday, June 14th is Flag Day. Did you know that, just as there is US Code for the proper flying of Old Glory, there is also proper etiquette for disposing of flags in a dignified manner? If you have an old, worn out, or tattered flag, don’t just throw it in the trash with …

Fr. Andrew’s Farewell Mass & Reception

- June 7th, 2024

After two years at the Church of the Little Flower as parochial vicar and four years of priestly ministry, the Holy Spirit, through Archbishop Wenski, has called me to the next step of the missionary journey. I am honored and excited that Archbishop Wenski has entrusted me to serve St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in …