9 de Junio – X Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- June 7th, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, La semana pasada, muchos de ustedes me preguntaron por las citas que utilicé para ilustrar el poder de la Eucaristía durante mi homilía del domingo de Corpus Christi. Las citas se enumeran a continuación. Algunos de ellos los usé en la misa de las 10:30 a.m., y los otros dirigidos a los …

June 9 – X Sunday in Ordinary Time

- June 7th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Last week, many of you asked me for the quotes I used to illustrate the power of the Eucharist during my homily on Corpus Christi Sunday. The quotes are listed below. Some of them I used at the 10:30am Mass, and the others directed at youth I used at the 5:30pm Mass. …

2024 Father’s Day Novena

- May 31st, 2024

As is our annual tradition here at COTLF, beginning on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 16th and continuing for the 8 days following, we will be celebrating a special Novena of Masses in honor and remembrance of all fathers. Parishioners who receive physical envelopes should find a special Father’s Day Novena Envelope where they can add …

Church of the Little Flower

2nd Collection – Church in Central & Eastern Europe

- May 31st, 2024

The USCCB established the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe to help restore the Church in lands that survived decades of communist rule and to build a new, more hopeful future for the people living there. Although those communist regimes no longer rule, new challenges such as the ongoing catastrophic war in …

2 de Junio – Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo (Corpus Christi)

- May 30th, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, Este mes se cumplen diez años de mi primera peregrinación a Italia. Ahora bien, aunque antes había estado en Italia, particularmente en Roma, esta vez llevaba a mis padres que nunca habían estado y mostraba la grandeza de la Ciudad Eterna a mis amigos y feligreses. Ahora, cualquiera que haya estado en …

June 2nd – Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

- May 30th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Ten years ago this month, I led my first pilgrimage to Italy. Now while I had to Italy particularly Rome before, this time I was taking my parents who had never been and showing the greatness of the Eternal City to my friends and parishioners. Now anyone who has ever been on …

COTLF Homeless Ministry June Jeans Drive

- May 24th, 2024

In honor of Father’s Day this year, we will be collecting both men’s jeans and personal hygiene items over the next two weeks to donate to The Caring Place at Miami Rescue Mission. We are looking to collect BRAND NEW men’s jeans (ideally size 32″ waist and up). As for the men’s personal hygiene items, we will need the …

Church A/C System Update

- May 24th, 2024

We apologize for the extra warm celebration of Pentecost Sunday, as the church A/C unit was struggling to keep up with the fire of the Holy Spirit last weekend! Though we’ve been able to maintain a cool and comfortable temperature inside the church throughout the past week, we will be proceeding with the installation of …

Corpus Christi Eucharistic Devotion

- May 24th, 2024

Next Sunday, June 2nd, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Though it has become a parish tradition to host a 40-HoursEucharistic Devotion in the days leading up to Corpus Christi weekend, we were unable to do so this year given the uncertainty of the A/Csystem and the high volume of liturgies and events …