February 7th – V Sunday in Ordinary Time

- February 4th, 2021

My Dear Friends, It’s so wonderful to be back ministering to all of you this weekend. I want to thank you for your prayers during the last two weeks as I was quarantined in the rectory after testing  positive for COVID-19. Thankfully, my case was mild, and I was relatively symptom free. I know that …

31 de Enero – IV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- January 28th, 2021

Favor de leer el mesaje de ABCD del Padre Manny AQUI.

Sunday, January 31st – IV Sunday in Ordinary Time

- January 28th, 2021

Please read Fr. Manny’s ABCD Message HERE.

Upcoming Celebrations of First Penance

- January 28th, 2021

Over the next few weeks, close to 200 of our youngest parishioners from both St. Theresa School and our Parish Religious Education Program will be celebrating their First Penance. As we pray for these boys and girls, we also give special thanks to their families, teachers and catechists who helped prepare them to receive their …

High School Youth Group

- January 28th, 2021

The COTLF High School Youth Group meet every Sunday following the 5:30pm Youth Mass. This isn’t simply a social hour on Sunday nights before the school week begins. This is an opportunity to gather as a youth of Little Flower to encounter our Lord, Jesus Christ! For more details, contact Andria at COTLFYouthGroup@gmail.com

Church of the Little Flower

A Message from Fr. Manny

- January 22nd, 2021

My dear parish family, I wanted to inform you that last night I tested positive for COVID-19. I am feeling well, and will be confined to my room in the rectory for quarantine. Rest assured that all Masses and sacraments in the parish will proceed as scheduled.  Outside priests have generously stepped up to help. Please pray …

24 de Enero – III Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario – Domingo de ABCD

- January 21st, 2021

Mis Queridos Amigos, La pandemia ha dejado una huella en tantos aspectos de nuestras vidas. Como Iglesia, tuvimos que soportar un encierro y luego el aumento lento y gradual de nuestras Misas cuando reabrimos. Nuestros ministerios están tristemente cerrados, pero nuestro Ministerio de Personas sin Hogar no se ha detenido  en ayudar a alimentar a …

January 24th – III Sunday in Ordinary Time – ABCD Sunday

- January 21st, 2021

My Dear Friends, The pandemic has taken a toll on so many aspects of our lives. As a Church, we had to endure a lockdown and then the slow gradual buildup of our Masses when we reopened. Our ministries are sadly still shuttered, but our Homeless Ministry has not stopped in helping to feed the poor. …

Sunday of the Word of God

- January 21st, 2021

On September 30, 2019, on the liturgical memorial of St. Jerome, Pope Francis announced that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time would be celebrated as the Sunday of the Word of God. This new celebration was instituted in his Apostolic Letter, Aperuit Illus, which you are encouraged to read. Pope Francis writes: At the conclusion …