- December 31st, 2020

The Apostleship of Prayer is a worldwide prayer network responding to the challenges that confront humanity and the Church’s mission as expressed in the Pope’s monthly intentions. In praying with these intentions, we extend our gaze onto the whole world and enter personally into the joys and hopes, the pains and sufferings of our brothers …

Update from Our Pastor on 2021 Parish Calendars

- December 30th, 2020

It is my sincere hope that by the time you read this bulletin, you will have the 2021 Calendars that we usually distribute on New Years Day in your hands. However, because of publishing deadlines, I am writing this on December 23rd and literally have no idea if our calendars will be delivered on time. …

December 27th – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

- December 26th, 2020

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family ofJesus, Mary, and Joseph. As we continue to celebrate the joy of Christmas, we commend the families of our parish and school to the Holy Family because, as we have often said, the family is the core of society and of our Church. Yet we know …

27 de Diciembre – La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María, y José

- December 26th, 2020

Hoy celebramos la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José. Mientras continuamos celebrando la alegría de la Navidad, encomendamos a las familias de nuestra parroquia y de la escuela a la Sagrada Familia porque, como hemos dicho a menudo, la familia es el núcleo de la sociedad y de nuestra Iglesia. Sin …

Merry Christmas from COTLF!

- December 24th, 2020

A Visit from St. Nick!

- December 17th, 2020

Come visit Santa Claus right here at St. Theresa School on Thursday, December 17th at 7:00pm! The drive-through, socially-distanced event will start at the Nativity scene in front of the Church with a pre-recorded reflection. Families will then drive-through to the North Lot of the School (the large drive-in gate on Indian Mound Trail), pass a toy …

20 de Diciembre – Mensage de Navidad del Párroco

- December 17th, 2020

Mis Queridos Amigos, “… la luz brilla en la oscuridad, y la oscuridad no la ha vencido. ” (Juan 1:5) Hace unas semanas, recibí una tarjeta de Navidad de un hermano sacerdote de una parroquia vecina que tenía una hermosa silueta del recién nacido Jesús junto con María y José en el pesebre y el …

December 20th – Pastor’s Christmas Message

- December 17th, 2020

My Dear Friends, “…the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5) A few weeks ago, I received a Christmas card from a brother priest in a neighboring parish that had a beautiful silhouette of the newborn Jesus along with Mary and Joseph in the manger and the bible verse …

Holiday Office Closure

- December 17th, 2020

In observance of the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays, the Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, December 24th Friday, December 25th Friday, January 1st In case of an emergency involving death or dying over the long holiday weekends, our priests will still be available through the COTLF Emergency Line, which can be reached through …