6 de Septiembre – XXIII Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

- September 3rd, 2020

Columna por el Arzobispo Thomas Wenski, Arquidiocesis de Miami En los últimos meses, hemos sido testigos de cómo estatuas de héroes cívicos son atacadas y profanadas en todo el país: estos casos han incluido a personajes históricos de reputaciones cuestionadas (por ejemplo, “héroes” de la Confederación), pero también a estatuas de personajes históricos como Cristóbal …

September 6th – XXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- September 3rd, 2020

Column by Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archdiocese of Miami In recent months, we have witnessed statues of civic heroes attacked and desecrated across the country: These have included personages of disputed reputations (for example, “heroes” of the Confederacy) but also statues of historic figures such as Christopher Columbus, Ponce de Leon, Ulysses S. Grant, Abraham Lincoln …

30 de Agosto – XXII Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

- August 27th, 2020

“No se conformen a este mundo; más bien, transfórmense por la renovación de su entendimiento de modo que comprueben cuál sea la voluntad de Dios, buena, agradable y perfecta.” (Rom 12:2)  Hace algunos años, estaba en una escuela cuando tuve una conversación bastante profunda con una niña de cuatro años. Los niños de cuatro años son algunas de las …

August 30th – XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- August 27th, 2020

“Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God.” (Rom 12:2)  Some years ago, I was in a school when I had a rather profound conversation with a four-year-old. Four-year-olds are some of the wisest people I have ever met. They’re …

New Monstrance Needed for Weekly Adoration

- August 20th, 2020

Every Saturday morning from 8:30am-10:00am during Confessions, we have started celebrating a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction since we cannot have adoration during the week in our chapel. This is something we want to continue on Saturday mornings in our church until the chapel can re-open. Unfortunately the monstrance in our …

Church of the Little Flower

S.E.R.V.E. Project

- August 20th, 2020

On Sunday, August 30th, at 3:00pm, SERVE volunteers will be in the Comber Hall parking lot collecting travel-sized toiletries (soaps, shampoos, deodorant, hand sanitizers, tooth brush, tooothpaste, etc) in order to create toiletry bags for the homeless. As they did last month, the SERVE Ministry will be partnering with the Homeless Ministry to deliver these …

23 de Agosto – XXI Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

- August 20th, 2020

Mis queridos amigos, Hace muchos años, cuando me asignaron a otra parroquia que permanecerá sin nombre, noté al principio de mi asignación que en una misa en particular, parecía que la gente se estaba yendo de mal humor. Ahora bien, estas eran personas perfectamente agradables que habían venido a encontrar a Cristo, pero como rara …

August 23rd – XXI Sunday in Ordinary Time

- August 20th, 2020

My dear friends, Many years ago, when I was assigned to another parish that shall remain nameless, I noticed early on in my assignment that in one particular Mass, it seemed like the people were leaving in a bad mood. Now these were perfectly nice people who had come to encounter Christ, but since I …

Get real-time updates from Church of the Little Flower!

- August 19th, 2020

We have adopted a new way of communicating with you! If you never received an invitation email or text message to join EVANGELUS, please visit eva.us/cotlf to sign-up and let us know if you prefer to receive emails or text messages from us.
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