Homeless Ministry Back to School Drive

- August 7th, 2020

Sunday, August 9th • 3:30pm • Comber Hall Parking Lot Benefiting K-12 students at the Miami Rescue Mission. Flash drives Earbuds Hand sanitizer Masks Backpacks Sneakers, for boys and girls – all sizes For more information about our homeless ministry, please contact Joe Lluhi.

9 de Agosto – XIX Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

- August 6th, 2020

Este sábado, 15 de agosto, celebramos la Solemnidad de la Asunción de la Virgen María. Aunque este año no es día de precepto, es importante entrar más profundo en este dogma de la Iglesia. Les presento una catequesis de San Juan Pablo II sobre La Asunción:   La perenne y concorde tradición de la Iglesia muestra cómo la Asunción de María …

August 9th – XIX Sunday in Ordinary Time

- August 6th, 2020

This coming Saturday, August 15, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. While it is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year because it falls on a Saturday, I think this is a good time for us to delve into this dogma of the Catholic Church.  Here are excerpts of a catechesis from …

August 2nd – XVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- July 30th, 2020

My dear friends,  August has arrived and many of our parishioners are either on vacation or winding down their vacation. Sadly, we are still dealing with the pandemic which caused many of us to alter vacation plans and stay local. Last week I returned from a brief time in the Florida Keys as did our Carmelite Sisters who usually spend their …

Spring Confirmation Mass Rescheduled

- July 30th, 2020

The Spring Confirmation Mass, originally scheduled for this past May, will now be celebrated on Monday, October 5th at 7:00pm by Bishop Enrique Delgado. More details for our Spring Candidates will be available in the coming weeks. For the most updated program information, please visit our Parish Religious Ed Website.

2 de Agosto – XVIII Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

- July 30th, 2020

Mis queridos amigos, Agosto ha llegado y muchos de nuestros feligreses están de vacaciones o están terminando sus vacaciones. Lamentablemente, todavía estamos lidiando con la pandemia que causó que muchos de nosotros modificáramos los planes de vacaciones y nos quedáramos locales. La semana pasada regresé de un tiempo breve en los Cayos de la Florida …

July Edition of the Florida Catholic & La Voz Catolica

- July 22nd, 2020

Read the July Editions of the Florida Catholic and La Voz Catolica, both available in digital formats! Aside from coverage of the ordination of two more priests at the end of June, the newspapers carry an instructive column from Archbishop Wenski regarding recent Supreme Court rulings which strike a blow against the anti-Catholic Blaine amendments …

19 de Julio – XVI Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario – Padre Omar

- July 16th, 2020

Estimada familia: Es un privilegio y un placer para mí, el ser parte de esta maravillosa comunidad, la Iglesia de Santa Teresita en Coral Gables. Mi vida como sacerdote no ha sido muy larga; yo fui ordenado sacerdote para la Arquidiócesis de Miami en mayo 12 del 2018, justo hace un poco mas de dos años. …

July 19th – XVI Sunday in Ordinary Time – Fr. Omar

- July 16th, 2020

Dear family: It is a privilege and a pleasure for me to be part of this wonderful community of the Church of the Little Flower in Coral Gables. My journey as a priest has not been long; I was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Miami on May 12, 2018, just a little over …