5 de Mayo – VI Domingo de Pascua

- May 3rd, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, A  comenzar el mes de mayo, el mes de nuestra Santísima Madre, quería darle a la comunidad una actualización sobre nuestra Campaña del Centenario. Hace unas semanas, un feligrés se   acercó después de la misa y me señaló astutamente que el termómetro de nuestras actualizaciones semanales de campaña no se ha movido …

May 5th – VI Sunday of Easter

- May 3rd, 2024

My Dear Friends, As we begin the month of May, the month of our Blessed Mother, I wanted to give the community an update on our Centennial Campaign. A few weeks ago, a parishioner approached me after Mass and astutely pointed out that the thermometer on our weekly campaign updates has not moved much in …

Church of the Little Flower

St. Theresa Catholic School is Hiring!

- April 25th, 2024

Our Parochial School is seeking to hire dynamic and qualified individuals for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Positions available are: Teachers will be required to plan, organize, and implement our curriculum program. Teachers will perform all duties and responsibilities in alignment with the Catholic mission, vision, and values of the Archdiocese of Miami, COTLF, and …

2nd Collection – Catholic Home Missions

- April 25th, 2024

Home Missions” is the name for dioceses and parishes in the United States, including its territories and former territories, which cannot provide basic pastoral services to Catholics without outside help. Basic pastoral services include Mass and sacraments, religious education, and ministry training for priests, deacons, religious sisters and lay people. For many decades, the Church …

AHG Mother’s Day Roses Fundraiser

- April 25th, 2024

Pre-order a dozen roses HERE to celebrate mom on Mother’s Day and help support the good work of our COTLF/STS Troop 1001 of American Heritage Girls! Roses will be available for pickup at all morning Masses on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12th. AHG Troop 1001 meets in the STS Cafeteria on the 2nd and 4th …

28 de Abril – V Domingo de Pascua

- April 25th, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, ¡Felices Pascuas, hermanos! Sí, celebramos esta temporada de Pascua por tres semanas más. ¡El gozo de la Resurrección simplemente no puede ser contenido ni en el espacio ni en el tiempo! Durante todo el tiempo pascual, la Iglesia en su liturgia nos ha estado ofreciendo lecturas de los Hechos de los Apóstoles. …

April 28th – V Sunday of Easter

- April 25th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Happy Easter, brothers and sisters! Yes, we celebrate this Easter season for an additional three weeks. The joy of the Resurrection simply cannot be contained by space or time! Throughout the Easter season, the Church in her liturgy has been offering us readings from the Acts of the Apostles. This essential book, …

21 de Abril – IV Domingo de Pascua

- April 18th, 2024

Mis Queridos Amigos, Mi predecesor, el Padre Davis, tenía una hermosa imagen para esta columna de él sosteniendo un cordero alrededor de sus hombros que recuerda a Cristo el Buen Pastor. Como sacerdotes, estamos llamados a ser pastores de nuestros rebaños y conducirlos a pastos más verdes y, finalmente, a los brazos de Cristo nuestro …

April 21st – IV Sunday of Easter

- April 18th, 2024

My Dear Friends, My predecessor, Father Davis, had a beautiful picture for the header of this column of him holding a lamb around his shoulders reminiscent of Christ the Good Shepherd. As priests, we are called to be shepherds to our flocks and lead them to greener pastures and ultimately into the arms of Christ …