100% of all proceeds will fund the work of the COTLF Homeless Ministry and the COTLF MFR (Military & First Responders) Ministry
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Homeless & MFR Ministries BBQ Fundraiser
Past Events Archive - January 4th, 2021

Past Events Archive - December 31st, 2020
The Apostleship of Prayer is a worldwide prayer network responding to the challenges that confront humanity and the Church’s mission as expressed in the Pope’s monthly intentions. In praying with these intentions, we extend our gaze onto the whole world and enter personally into the joys and hopes, the pains and sufferings of our brothers …

Update from Our Pastor on 2021 Parish Calendars
Past Events Archive - December 30th, 2020
It is my sincere hope that by the time you read this bulletin, you will have the 2021 Calendars that we usually distribute on New Years Day in your hands. However, because of publishing deadlines, I am writing this on December 23rd and literally have no idea if our calendars will be delivered on time. …
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Merry Christmas from COTLF!
Past Events Archive - December 24th, 2020

A Visit from St. Nick!
Past Events Archive - December 17th, 2020
Come visit Santa Claus right here at St. Theresa School on Thursday, December 17th at 7:00pm! The drive-through, socially-distanced event will start at the Nativity scene in front of the Church with a pre-recorded reflection. Families will then drive-through to the North Lot of the School (the large drive-in gate on Indian Mound Trail), pass a toy …

Holiday Office Closure
Past Events Archive - December 17th, 2020
In observance of the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays, the Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, December 24th Friday, December 25th Friday, January 1st In case of an emergency involving death or dying over the long holiday weekends, our priests will still be available through the COTLF Emergency Line, which can be reached through …

News from the Rel.Ed. Program
Past Events Archive - December 14th, 2020
On January 22nd, 2021, Bishop Enrique Delgado will be coming to COTLF to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation upon our St. Theresa School 8th Graders. Let us pray together as a parish community for each of these students, their sponsors, families, and catechists who have faithfully journeyed alongside them!

Ayuda para Centroamerica
Past Events Archive - November 25th, 2020
Le damos las gracias a nuestra comunidad hispana que el domingo pasado, 22 de noviembre, recaudo $1,334 para ayudar a esos que han sido afectado por los huracanes Eta e Iota en Centroamérica. Seguiremos rezando por nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Centroamérica.

24th Annual St. Theresa Golf Classic
Past Events Archive - October 29th, 2020
Father Manny, Sr. Rosalie O.C.D., and the Golf Classic Committee, cordially invite you to join the 24th Annual St. Theresa Golf Classic on December 11, 2020 for an amazing day of golf, food, drinks, awards, cash prizes and giveaways for the benefit of the children at St. Theresa Catholic School. Learn more or sign up at …