Church of the Little Flower

Volunteers Needed at the South Dade Pregnancy Center

Past Events Archive - October 26th, 2020

Pregnancy help centers offer a safe, confidential and free place for women and men in our community who are struggling with problems related to pregnancy. Ready to make a difference?
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Pregnancy & Infant Loss Annual Mass of Remembrance

Past Events Archive - October 23rd, 2020

The Eventually: Infertility and Pregnancy Loss Ministry of COTLF invites all parents who have suffered the loss of a pregnancy or of an infant to the Annual Mass of Remembrance which will be held on Sunday, October 25th at 10:30am.

24-Hour Eucharistic Devotion

Past Events Archive - October 23rd, 2020

As we approach Election Day next week, let us join together in prayer for a 24-Hour Eucharistic Devotion It will begin at 7pm on Monday, November 2nd with the All Souls’ Day Mass, and will conclude at 7pm on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd. Sign up here so we can ensure coverage throughout the 24-Hour …

St Theresa School Virtual Open House

Past Events Archive - October 15th, 2020

Register today for the STS Virtual Open House, which will be held on Wednesday, November 11th.

Church of the Little Flower

Deacon Fleitas Town Hall on “Forming Consciences”

Past Events Archive - October 12th, 2020

Tune in as Deacon Fleitas joins the Saint Augustine Parish Town Hall on Wednesday, October 14th at 7pm to discuss “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” – a teaching document on the political responsibility of Catholics.
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Congratulations, Confirmandi!

Past Events Archive - October 9th, 2020

On Monday, October 5th, Bishop Enrique Delgado came to COTLF to celebrate the long-awaited Confirmation Mass of our Candidates who had their originally scheduled Confirmation postponed by the Pandemic in the Spring. We congratulate our 36 Confirmandi, together with their sponsors, families, and catechists who faithfully journeyed alongside them, and now welcome them to the …

Venerate the Relics of St. Therese!

Past Events Archive - September 24th, 2020

On Thursday, October 1st, the Patronal Feast Day of our Parish, the first-class relic of St. Therese, which was generously donated to the parish earlier this year, will be present  at all Masses for everyone to venerate as we celebrate the life of our extraordinary patroness.

Join the 33rd Annual Life Chain

Past Events Archive - September 24th, 2020

Life Chain 2020 will be held on SUNDAY,OCTOBER 4 from 2:00 — 3:00pm. Stand with thousands of pro-lifers throughout the USA! You’ll be a light in a darkened world as you help put an end to abortion through prayer! Bring your whole family!  Rain or shine! Our parish will stand along US1 and 63rd Ave …

Faith, Family and Financial Security

Past Events Archive - September 17th, 2020

On September 23rd at 7:30 pm on Zoom. World renowned economist, speaker, and author, Tom Hegna, will share his 7 steps to a SECURE retirement! Pre-Register at