July Edition of the Florida Catholic & La Voz Catolica

Past Events Archive - July 22nd, 2020

Read the July Editions of the Florida Catholic and La Voz Catolica, both available in digital formats! Aside from coverage of the ordination of two more priests at the end of June, the newspapers carry an instructive column from Archbishop Wenski regarding recent Supreme Court rulings which strike a blow against the anti-Catholic Blaine amendments …

Pauline Books and Media Summer Sale

Past Events Archive - July 8th, 2020

Learn more about the Daughters of St. Paul and the Miami Bookstore!

Free Books Available

Past Events Archive - July 2nd, 2020

On Monday, July 6th, through the generosity of a parishioner, a limited quantity of St. Therese’s “The Story of A Soul” and Dr. Scott Hahn’s “The Lamb’s Supper” will be freely available, first-come, first-served at the Parish Office.

Pen on Paper

Farewell Message from Fr. Flores

Past Events Archive - June 28th, 2020

My dear friends, It is with a heavy but grateful heart that I write this letter to you. After three very joyous and rewarding years serving this community, the Archbishop has given me a new assignment. I want to thank each and everyone of you for the kindness and love you have shown me during …

Pen on Paper

Mensaje de Despedida del Padre Flores

Past Events Archive - June 28th, 2020

Mis queridos amigos, Es con un corazón triste pero agradecido que les escribo esta carta. Después de tres años muy alegres y valiosos sirviendo a esta comunidad, el Arzobispo me ha dado una nueva asignación. Quiero agradecer a todos y cada uno de ustedes por la amabilidad y el amor que me han mostrado durante …

Spam Alert

Spam Email Alert

Past Events Archive - June 24th, 2020

We have been made aware of another series of spam emails being circulated using Fr. Manny’s name. Please note that any unsolicited, official communications from the church staff will come from the @cotlf.org domain or via the Evangelus Messaging Service. We will NEVER contact you from a Gmail, Yahoo, or other email account. We will also …

Baptism Classes Via Zoom / Clases de Bautismo Por Zoom

Past Events Archive - June 11th, 2020
Clases en Español el primer sabado de cada mes, a las 8:45am

Zoom ID: 860 2807 2566

English Meeting on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:45am

Zoom ID: 811 2946 9664

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Rocky Railway VBS Cancelled

Past Events Archive - March 2nd, 2020

Out of an overabundance of caution for the continued health and safety of our children and families, and in order that the school may continue to properly prepare its facilities for the hopeful start of the school year in August, VBS 2020 has been officially cancelled. We hope to be back next summer!