My Dear Friends, Advent is here! What a blessing that we are able to enter this holy season to prepare our hearts for the coming of our Lord! When I was a child, my family had a hard and fast rule that we would not start decorating the house for Christmas until December 1st. As …

November 28th – I Sunday of Advent
From the Pastor’s Desk - November 26th, 2021

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
From the Pastor’s Desk - November 18th, 2021
My Dear Friends, Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King, and our liturgical year draws to a close. Next Sunday, we begin the Advent season and the themes that we heard in last week’s readings and in today’s will be present in the liturgy for the next month: Christ is coming! Today’s second …
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November 14th – XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Desk - November 11th, 2021
My Dear Friends, You’ve probably seen it announced in the bulletin over the last month or so, but I wanted to make it official: the Parish & School Fair will go on as planned on December 3-5 on the grounds of our school! We are very excited! So many of you have approached me about …
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November 7th – XXXII Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Desk - November 4th, 2021
My Dear Friends, Two weeks ago, Comber Hall was as full as I have ever seen as we hosted an exhibit and presentation of Eucharist Miracles. It was edifying for me as a pastor to see so many of you there because it reaffirmed to me that our community is truly in love with our …
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October 31st – XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Desk - October 28th, 2021
My Dear Friends, As gather this Sunday on All Hallow’s Eve, we think about the Solemnity we celebrate tomorrow, All Saints Day, and the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed that we celebrate the day after. We recall that we are all called to be saints, and that as good Christians, we have an obligation to …
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October 24th – XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Desk - October 21st, 2021
My Dear Friends, I was overjoyed at the positive response last week to the Opening Masses for the Synod in which we will all seek to discern where the Holy Spirit is guiding the Church and to listen both to the Spirit and to each other. Our Holy Father has asked us to “listen, one …
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October 17th – XXIX Sunday of Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Desk - October 14th, 2021
The following is Archbishop Wenski’s recent column which appeared in the September issue of the Florida Catholic. In October 2023, Pope Francis will convene the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops with the theme, “For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission.” Since the close of Vatican II, popes have convened such …
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XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Desk - October 7th, 2021
My Dear Parish Family: Today we gather as a parish community, to celebrate the greatness of our patroness, St. Therese of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face. She lived the gospel that we have just heard proclaim: “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” We gather to …

October 3rd – Celebrating 95 Years!!
From the Pastor’s Desk - September 30th, 2021
My dear parishioners, Happy 95th Anniversary! What a milestone for our beloved parish! Today we gather to celebrate our patroness, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face: the Little Flower. We thank Archbishop Wenski for allowing us to celebrate our patronal feast on this Sunday. This 95th Anniversary celebration is important because …