August 18th – XX Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - August 16th, 2024

My Dear Friends: School has started, and we had a wonderful first week across the street at St. Theresa, and I know many of our young parishioners had wonderful first weeks at their respective schools. Now that classes have begun (or about to begin at some of our local private schools), parents are no doubt …

August 11th – XIX Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - August 9th, 2024

My Dear Friends, It is so wonderful to be back home at Little Flower after some time of rest this summer. I have missed all of you, and more importantly, I have missed sharing with you the Word of God and the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Vacations are moments of rest, reflection, …

Summer 2024

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 27th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Thank you for the incredible welcome you gave to Father David last weekend. I know he felt the love of this community: the love that you always show to all our priests. The joy of the priesthood is contagious because we share the Word of God and the Real Presence of Christ …

June 23rd – XII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 20th, 2024

My Dear Friends, This weekend we welcome our new parochial vicar, Father David Zallocco, to the Little Flower family. Father David was just ordained last month, and this is his first assignment as a priest. Our parish is no stranger for welcoming newly  ordained priests and forming them to be great leaders within the Church. …

June 16th – XI Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 13th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Since Father Andrew has written the regular bulletin column, I just wanted to write down a few words of thanks for his service to our parish during the last two years. He has been a good and faithful servant and a wonderful spiritual father to all of you. His well-prepared and inspiring …

June 16th – Farewell Message from Fr. Andrew

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 13th, 2024

“This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how.” How appropriate this Sunday’s Gospel is for a priest’s farewell …

June 9 – X Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 7th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Last week, many of you asked me for the quotes I used to illustrate the power of the Eucharist during my homily on Corpus Christi Sunday. The quotes are listed below. Some of them I used at the 10:30am Mass, and the others directed at youth I used at the 5:30pm Mass. …

June 2nd – Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

From the Pastor’s Desk - May 30th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Ten years ago this month, I led my first pilgrimage to Italy. Now while I had to Italy particularly Rome before, this time I was taking my parents who had never been and showing the greatness of the Eternal City to my friends and parishioners. Now anyone who has ever been on …

May 26th – Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

From the Pastor’s Desk - May 24th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Last week during the Solemnity of Pentecost, the apostles were empowered by Christ and led by the Holy Spirit to go into the whole world and preach the gospel to all nations. The Catholic Church exists because of the work of so many missionaries around the world who bring Christ to the …