May 19th – Pentecost Sunday

From the Pastor’s Desk - May 17th, 2024

My Dear Friends, As we gather together this weekend to celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our Blessed Mother and the apostles, we contemplate the “mighty wind” that came through the Upper Room and changed the lives of those first Christians. The Holy Spirit always brings change. It …

May 12th – Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord / Mother’s Day

From the Pastor’s Desk - May 10th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Today we celebrate the gift of our mothers. What is more precious than a mother? So precious that even our Lord chose one when he called the Blessed Virgin Mary. During this month in which we honor Mary our Mother, we honor all mothers too. Their sacrifice, their love, their comfort, and their reassuring presence …

May 5th – VI Sunday of Easter

From the Pastor’s Desk - May 3rd, 2024

My Dear Friends, As we begin the month of May, the month of our Blessed Mother, I wanted to give the community an update on our Centennial Campaign. A few weeks ago, a parishioner approached me after Mass and astutely pointed out that the thermometer on our weekly campaign updates has not moved much in …

April 28th – V Sunday of Easter

From the Pastor’s Desk - April 25th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Happy Easter, brothers and sisters! Yes, we celebrate this Easter season for an additional three weeks. The joy of the Resurrection simply cannot be contained by space or time! Throughout the Easter season, the Church in her liturgy has been offering us readings from the Acts of the Apostles. This essential book, …

April 21st – IV Sunday of Easter

From the Pastor’s Desk - April 18th, 2024

My Dear Friends, My predecessor, Father Davis, had a beautiful picture for the header of this column of him holding a lamb around his shoulders reminiscent of Christ the Good Shepherd. As priests, we are called to be shepherds to our flocks and lead them to greener pastures and ultimately into the arms of Christ …

April 14th – III Sunday of Easter

From the Pastor’s Desk - April 12th, 2024

My Dear Friends, This weekend the children of our parish begin receiving their First Holy Communion. It is a blessed time in the life of our parish, and I ask you pray for these little ones as they approach the altar for the first time.  Do you remember the experience of your First Communion? If …

March 31st – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

From the Pastor’s Desk - March 30th, 2024

My Dear Friends, HAPPY EASTER! CHRIST IS RISEN!  This is the rallying cry of the Christian. This is the central mystery of our faith. St. Paul says itvery clearly in his first letter to the Corinthians: “…if Christ has not been raised, then empty [too] is our preaching; empty, too, your faith (1 Cor 15:14).” …

March 24th – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

From the Pastor’s Desk - March 21st, 2024

My Dear Friends, We begin the liturgy on this Palm Sunday with Christ’s grand entrance into Jerusalem. We sing Christ’s praises as the crowds did 2000 years ago, and we enter rejoicing because we are indeed praising our Lord and King. We wave those palm branches to herald Christ’s entrance into the City of David, and …

March 17th – V Sunday of Lent

From the Pastor’s Desk - March 15th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Today on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, the Church begins the period that is known as Passiontide. As you walked into the church, you may have already noticed our statues covered in purple cloths. It is a jarring visual, for sure, and it is not something that has traditionally been done here at …