August 6th – Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

From the Pastor’s Desk - August 4th, 2023

July 30th – XVII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - July 28th, 2023

My Dear Friends: This coming Tuesday, August 1, World Youth Day festivities begin in Lisbon, Portugal as the youth of the world gather with Pope Francis to celebrate and grow in our faith. The theme for this year’s World Youth Day is “Mary arose and went with haste (Lk 1:39).” Obviously, this is from the …

July 23rd – XVI Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - July 21st, 2023

My Dear Friends: Today we celebrate the 3rd World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly. Pope Francis established this day in 2021 near the feast of Saints Joaquim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus, to highlight the important role grandparents and the elderly play between generations. It is providential that we celebrate this day on …

July 16th – XV Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - July 14th, 2023

My Dear Friends: It’s been over a month since I wrote to you in this space. It is providential that I write to you again on this 16th of July which is traditionally the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel who is the Marian patroness of our parish. This is the statue which beautifully …

July 2nd – XIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 30th, 2023

Independence Day is about far more than hot dogs, fireworks, and baseball. It isn’t just the premier summer holiday in the American cultural landscape. The United States of America turns 247 years old this week, a blink in the time spans that other nations celebrate as their history. Yet, we know this country to be …

June 25th – XII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 23rd, 2023

From the Desk of Fr. Andrew The dog days of summer are almost upon us. It’s supposed to be a time when things slow down, but no one got that memo at the Church of the Little Flower. Vacation Bible School is in full swing. Fr. Manny and the group of parish pilgrims are enjoying …

June 18th – XI Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 15th, 2023

Taken from the St. Andrew Bible Missal: Wasted time is not a prized commodity in American society. We are a people ruled by the clock. Time is money because time is to be filled with purposeful controlled activity which is productive of things which can be sold. We are convinced that we must be in …

June 11th – Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ / Corpus Christi

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 9th, 2023

My Dear Friends, The Eucharist. I have said this often: there is nothing that we do in our parish that is more important than the celebration of the Mass. Today, on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, we celebrate Christ’s Real Presence at the altar every time we gather to celebrate the Mass. We celebrate that …

June 4th – Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 1st, 2023

My Dear Friends, Here is a wonderful catechesis on the Holy Trinity from Pope Benedict XVI: Today we contemplate the Most Holy Trinity as Jesus introduced us to it. He revealed to us that God is love “not in the oneness of a single Person, but in the Trinity of one substance” (Preface). He is …