Donate via Venmo!

Parish News - January 8th, 2021

Offertory Giving Just Got Easier … Again! You can now quickly and easily make your gifts to the parish via Venmo! Find us at or scan the QR Code to go to our Venmo profile on your smart device.

Become a Website Sponsor Today

Parish News - September 18th, 2020

The upcoming summer months are a perfect time to become a COTLF website sponsor, with increased traffic expected from visitors or extra views from parishioners travelling out of town but wishing to stay connected to COTLF. Through the Website Sponsorship Program you can help us maintain our parish website with important information about parish community …

Get real-time updates from Church of the Little Flower!

Parish News - August 19th, 2020

We have adopted a new way of communicating with you! If you never received an invitation email or text message to join EVANGELUS, please visit to sign-up and let us know if you prefer to receive emails or text messages from us.
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Download our Parish App!

Parish News - August 14th, 2020

Our new Church of the Little Flower app is now available to download for iPhone and Android smart phones. Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter.
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Prayer Shawls Available

Parish News - August 14th, 2020

Are you, or is someone you know, under a lot of stress, depressed, or anxious? Give them the gift of a nice warm hug from God through a Prayer Shawl! Prayer Shawls are carefully and lovingly hand-knit by the members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, who pray for the future recipient of the shawls while …

Considering a Vocation?

Parish News - August 14th, 2020

“To serve the Church as a priest or a religious is indeed a humbling honor which no one merits but which Our Lord chooses for us. We must therefore pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into His vineyard, and we should always pray for vocations to serve the Church in the priesthood …

Relevant Radio

Parish News - August 12th, 2021

Radio Maria USA

Parish News - August 12th, 2021

Radio Maria USA is part of a world-wide Catholic radio network now broadcasting in the Miami area on 91.9 FM. Tune in for daily Mass at 9 a.m. Pray the Rosary with us five times during each day and Liturgy of the Hours three times a day.  Listen 24/7 to a wide variety of authentic Catholic programming including Bible …