11 de Febrero – VI Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- February 7th, 2024

Mis queridos amigos, Quiero agradecerles por su generosidad la semana pasada durante el llamamiento de ABCD.  Como dije durante mi homilía, fue bastante difícil pararme frente a ustedes pidiendo su apoyo a las organizaciones benéficas de la Arquidiócesis de Miami mientras estamos en medio de nuestra Campaña del Centenario, pero es un deber solemne que …

February 11th – VI Sunday in Ordinary Time

- February 7th, 2024

My Dear Friends,  I want to thank you for your generosity last week during the ABCD appeal. As I said during my homily, it was quite difficult to stand before you asking for your support of the charities of the Archdiocese of Miami while we’re in the midst of our Centennial Campaign, but it is a …

February 4th – V Sunday in Ordinary Time

- February 4th, 2024

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the manifestation of the human and divine love in Jesus Himself. The love of the Sacred Heart is a human love, coming from the heart of one who is really and truly man. It is a sensible love capable of feeling affection and is influenced by …

4 de Febrero – V Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- February 4th, 2024

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús es la manifestación del amor humano y divino en Jesús mismo. El amor del Sagrado Corazón es un amor humano, que sale del corazón de quien es real y verdaderamente hombre. Es un amor sensible, capaz de sentir afecto y que se deja influir por …

2024 ABCD

- February 3rd, 2024

The Church is called to be an “advocate of justice and of the poor” in the face of intolerable social and economic inequalities, which “cry to heaven”. Your gift to the ABCD helps the Church here in South Florida to walk with the poor as their friend. Your support of the ABCD changes lives and through its many …

Parish Mission with Mass Explained Author, Dan Gonzalez

- February 2nd, 2024

Designed to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the Roman Catholic Mass, Mass Explained is a walk through the Eucharistic celebration. It explores the source of its prayers and postures, and the development of its vessels and vestments.
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St. Blaise and the Blessing of Throats

- January 26th, 2024

February 3rd is the Memorial of St. Blaise, a 4th Century Bishop who was martyred for his faith in Jesus Christ. According to tradition, St. Blaise is most well-known for the miraculous healing of a boy who was choking to death from a fish bone that had become lodged in his throat. St. Blaise prayed …

28 de Enero – IV Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- January 26th, 2024

Mis queridos amigos, El fin de semana pasado regresé de mi 7ª Marcha por la Vida en Washington, D.C. con los jóvenes de la Arquidiócesis y 19 peregrinos de nuestra parroquia. Fue un evento verdaderamente bendecido que tuvo el regalo de la nieve que cayó durante el mes de marzo. Desde que Roe v. Wade …

January 28th – IV Sunday in Ordinary Time

- January 26th, 2024

My Dear Friends, Last weekend I returned from my 7th March for Life in Washington, D.C. with the young people of the Archdiocese and 19 pilgrims from our parish. It was a truly blessed event that had the gift of snow falling during the actual March. Since Roe v. Wade was overturned 18 months ago, …