May 14th – VI Sunday of Easter / Mother’s Day

- May 12th, 2023

My Dear Friends, “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” –St. Thérèse of Lisieux  The quote above attributed to our patroness is so fitting when I think about the gift of our mothers. St. Thérèse lost her mother when she was only 4 years old, yet found spiritual …

7 de Mayo – V Domingo de Pascua

- May 4th, 2023

Mis queridos amigos, A medida que se acerca rápidamente el verano, hay muchos proyectos que la parroquia está a punto de emprender sobre los que quería informarles a todos en el boletín de hoy. El mayor de estos proyectos tiene que ver con la cúpula de nuestra iglesia. Hace dos años, tuvimos una fuga bastante …

May 7th – V Sunday of Easter

- May 4th, 2023

My dear friends, As summer quickly approaches, there are many projects that the parish is about to undertake that I wanted to update all of you on in today’s bulletin. The biggest of these projects has to do with the dome of our church. Two years ago this month, we had a pretty significant leak …

30 de Abril – V Domingo de Pascua / Domingo del Buen Pastor

- April 28th, 2023

Mis Queridos Amigos, “…   y el pastor llama a cada oveja por su nombre, y las ovejas reconocen su voz “. (Juan 10:3)  Cuando era niño, todos los días después de la escuela jugábamos al fútbol en la calle frente a mi casa, no muy lejos de nuestra iglesia. ¡Imagínense eso! De hecho, salíamos a …

April 30th – V Sunday of Easter / Good Shepherd Sunday

- April 28th, 2023

My Dear Friends, “…the sheep hear his voice, as the shepherd calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” (John 10:3)  When I was a kid, every day after school we would play football in the street in front of my house not too far from our church. Imagine that! We would actually …

The Great Vigil in Honor of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

- April 21st, 2023

Baby Items Collection

- April 21st, 2023

Join us for a community baby shower throughout the month of May! The COTLF Respect Life Ministry will place large boxes for collection of items in the vestibule of the Church, beginning the weekend of April 29-30 through Tuesday, May 30th. All donations will help support the invaluable work of the South Dade Pregnancy Center. …

Youth Lectors Needed

- April 21st, 2023

Calling all parish youth in 5th grade or higher! We are in need of additional youth volunteers to serve as lectors at the 9:00am Mass on Sundays. Proclaiming the Word of the Lord is an important ministry and service in the sacramental life of the parish. For more details about our Youth Lectors, or to …

Church of the Little Flower

Carmelite Sisters Evening of Adoration

- April 21st, 2023

This Easter season, bring His Sacred Heart into your home with uplifting music from the Carmelite Sisters’ Adoration from Carmel album and from their book, Unleashing Hope, the story of Mother Luisita’s lift.
The Carmelite Sisters will have these items available after all Masses on Sunday, April 30.
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