13 de Noviembre – XXXIII Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- November 10th, 2022

Mis queridos amigos,  La belleza habla de lo Divino.  ¿Alguna vez han invitado a alguien a Santa Teresita y han visto su expresión cuando contempla la majestuosidad de nuestra iglesia por primera vez? El año pasado, había una joven que acababa de llegar de Cuba a quien llevé a la iglesia para ofrecer una oración …

November 13th – XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- November 10th, 2022

My Dear Friends,        Beauty speaks of the Divine.          Have you ever invited a guest into Little Flower and seen their expression when they behold the majesty of our church for the first time? Last year, there was a young lady who had just arrived from Cuba whom I took into the church …

Join Fr. Manny on a Pilgrimage to France!

- November 3rd, 2022

This pilgrimage is expected to fill up fast! Please call the Parish Office to express your interest. More trip details will be shared soon!
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6 de Noviembre – XXXII Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- November 3rd, 2022

Mis queridos amigos,  Es una bendición ser testigo de tantos milagros de amor en nuestra parroquia. Sí, nos reunimos todos los domingos para contemplar el milagro de la Eucaristía donde Cristo se hace realmente presente en el altar, pero eso estimula a muchos de nuestros feligreses a ir y realizar milagros propios en nuestra comunidad. …

November 6th – XXXII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- November 3rd, 2022

My Dear Friends, It is such a blessing to be a witness to so many miracles of love in our parish. Yes, we gather together every Sunday to behold the miracle of the Eucharist where Christ becomes really present at the altar, but that spurs so many of our parishioners to go and perform miracles …

Fr. Escamez on Leave until Late-January

- October 28th, 2022

Fr. Juan Escamez will be away from the parish through late January as he returns to Spain to tend to the health of a sick family member. We ask for your prayers for Fr. Juan and his family during this time.

St. Joseph Adoration Chapel Update

- October 28th, 2022

Thanks to the generosity of one of our parish families, new gold tile will soon be installed on the back wall of the sanctuary of the St. Joseph Adoration Chapel in the Parish Office Center. In the coming weeks, the chapel may be closed for very brief periods of time in order for the tile …

New Convent for the Carmelites

- October 28th, 2022

Our Carmelite Sisters are moving this weekend to a larger house across the street behind the priests’ rectory in order to accommodate their growing numbers. We thank the generosity of the Archdiocese and parishioners for making this possible.

30 de Octubre – XXXI Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- October 28th, 2022

Mis queridos amigos,  La tradición católica de ofrecer Misas por nuestros seres queridos particularmente los que han fallecido se puede trazar a los  inicios de la Iglesia Católica. En la Eucaristía nosotros nos unimos de una manera única con los fieles difuntos y con la comunión de los santos. ¿Por qué ofrecemos Misas por nuestros  seres queridos? Miremos al …