October Outdoor Candlelight Rosary

- September 22nd, 2022

Join us for our biannual outdoor rosary on Thursday, October 6th, the evening before the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, at 7:00 p.m. in the grotto on the grounds of the priest house/rectory. In this month of the Holy Rosary, during which we also celebrate Respect Life month, we turn in prayer to …

Prepare for the Feast of St. Therese!

- September 16th, 2022

On Saturday, October 1st, the Church celebrates the Feast of our Parish Patroness, St. Thérèse! You are invited over these next few weeks to learn more about St. Therese and her incredible spirituality (Her autobiography, Story of a Soul, is a spiritual masterpiece and must-read for every Catholic!), begin praying the Novena to St. Therese …

Vocations Chalice

- September 16th, 2022

Sign Up to be added as a Vocation Chalice family. Take the Chalice home for a week. Put it in a place of honor in your home. Pray for Vocations! (Prayers are included to help.) Talk about Vocations with your family. Return to Mass the following week to pass the Chalice on to the next …

18 de Septiembre – XXV Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- September 16th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos, Hoy celebramos el Domingo Catequético. Todos nuestros maravillosos catequistas, junto con los maestros de nuestra escuela, serán comisionados este fin de semana cuando comiencen un nuevo año escolar. Realmente es una vocación ser catequista, especialmente cuando se trata de enseñar a nuestros hijos. El catequista tiene que ser un heraldo alegre del …

September 18th – XXV Sunday in Ordinary Time

- September 16th, 2022

My Dear Friends, Today we celebrate Catechetical Sunday. All of our wonderful catechists, along with the teachers from our school, will be commissioned this weekend as they begin a new school year. It truly is a vocation to be a catechist especially when it comes to instructing our children. The catechist has to be a …

Praise & Worship Adoration

- September 10th, 2022

By special request of the Young Adults of the parish, will host a special Holy Hour every Thursday evening in theSt. Joseph Adoration Chapel. Praise and worship music from 6:00-7:00pmHour of silence from 7:00-8:00pm. All are welcome, but Young Adults are specially invited to come during this time, to encounter the Lord, and help build …

Fr. Escamez’ 15th Anniversary Celebration

- September 10th, 2022

Later this month, Father Juan Escamez celebrates his 15th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination! He will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Friday, September 16th at 6:30 p.m. in our church followed by light refreshments in the Parish Office Center.  You are all invited to join Father in thanking our Lord for the gift of his …

11 de Septiembre – XXIV Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- September 10th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos, Este día siempre será solemne para nosotros. A pesar de que han pasado 21 años, las cicatrices de ese día todavía nos duelen. Fuimos heridos como nación el 11 de septiembre del 2001, sin embargo, nunca olvidaremos cómo nuestras iglesias se llenaron esa noche y el domingo siguiente con personas que simplemente …

September 11 – XXIV Sunday in Ordinary Time

- September 10th, 2022

My Dear Friends, This day will always be solemn for us. Even though 21 years have passed, the scars of this day still hurt us. We were wounded as a nation on September 11, 2001, yet we will never forget how our churches were filled that night and the following Sunday with people just simply …