Knights of Columbus Traveling St. Joseph Icon

- February 25th, 2022

Every few years, the Knights of Columbus select an icon of a saint whose patronage is particularly inspiring to Knights and their communities. The State of Florida received one of these icons, which has traveled from council to council and serves as the centerpiece for prayer services in parishes throughout the Order.  Our KoC Coral Gables …

27 de Febrero – VIII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- February 25th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos: Este próximo miércoles comenzamos el tiempo de Cuaresma. Como Iglesia, nos acercamos a este tiempo sagrado como una temporada de oportunidades: una oportunidad para regresar al Señor, una oportunidad para el silencio mientras viajamos con Jesús al desierto, y una oportunidad para arrojar las cicatrices de batalla del pecado para abrazar la …

February 27th – VIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- February 25th, 2022

My Dear Friends: This coming Wednesday we begin the season of Lent. As a Church, we approach this sacred time as a season of opportunity: an opportunity to return to the Lord, an opportunity for silence as we journey with Jesus into the desert, and an opportunity to shed the battle scars of sin to …

Help the Catholic Charities Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program

- February 17th, 2022

The Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program is looking for adults to become foster parents to refugee minors. The requirements to be a foster parent include: Be at least 21 years old Be able to provide adequate bedroom space and a separate bed for each foster child Have reliable transportation Be willing to participate in a 30-hour …

Special Presentation: The Sacred Cloths of the Passion

- February 17th, 2022

Join us on Wednesday, March 9th and Thursday, March 10th for a special presentation on the Sacred Cloths of the Passion!
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20 de febrero – VII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- February 17th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos: Rezo para que estén disfrutando de este fin de semana largo del Día de los presidentes y estén encontrando tiempo para descansar. Por lo general, no mencionamos el descanso hasta el verano o alrededor de las vacaciones de Navidad, pero siempre es importante encontrar momentos para descansar en el Señor durante todo …

February 20th – VII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- February 17th, 2022

My Dear Friends: I pray you are enjoying the long Presidents’ Day Weekend and are finding time to rest. Usually, we don’t mention rest until the summer or around the Christmas holidays, but it is always important to find times to rest in the Lord during the entire year. With that in mind, I want …

Change of Office Hours

- February 11th, 2022

Effective Monday, February 14th, in order to better serve our school families dropping off students in the morning, the Parish Office hours are changing to 8:00am to 4:00pm.

Special Presentation: “Speaking for the Unborn”

- February 11th, 2022

Join us on Wednesday, February 23rd as our Formation Wednesday series welcomes its first guest speaker: Dr. Steve Christie. Steve will be presenting his new book that was released earlier this month: “Speaking for the Unborn: 30 Second Pro-Life Rebuttals to Pro-Choice Arguments.” It is a brilliant book with highest recommendations coming from some pretty …