Church of the Little Flower

Volunteers Needed at the South Dade Pregnancy Center

- October 26th, 2020

Pregnancy help centers offer a safe, confidential and free place for women and men in our community who are struggling with problems related to pregnancy. Ready to make a difference?
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Pregnancy & Infant Loss Annual Mass of Remembrance

- October 23rd, 2020

The Eventually: Infertility and Pregnancy Loss Ministry of COTLF invites all parents who have suffered the loss of a pregnancy or of an infant to the Annual Mass of Remembrance which will be held on Sunday, October 25th at 10:30am.

24-Hour Eucharistic Devotion

- October 23rd, 2020

As we approach Election Day next week, let us join together in prayer for a 24-Hour Eucharistic Devotion It will begin at 7pm on Monday, November 2nd with the All Souls’ Day Mass, and will conclude at 7pm on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd. Sign up here so we can ensure coverage throughout the 24-Hour …

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

- October 23rd, 2020

Join us as we pray for all the faithful departed at our special All Souls’ Day Bilingual Mass on Monday, November 2nd at 7:00pm. As has been our custom, the All Souls Day Novena envelopes will be placed near the tabernacle during the entire month of November. Father Manny asks that you bring pictures of …

25 de Octubre – XXX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- October 23rd, 2020

“¿Qué mandamiento de la ley es el mayor?” (Mateo 22:36)  Escuchamos esta pregunta en el evangelio de hoy. Esto es más que una pregunta para engañar que los fariseos le hicieron a Jesús. Escuchamos esta pregunta e inmediatamente pensamos que Jesús tiene que elegir entre los 10 mandamientos dados a Moisés. Pero los fariseos realmente …

October 25th – XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time

- October 23rd, 2020

“Which commandment in the law is the greatest?” (Matthew 22:36) We hear this question in today’s gospel. This is more than just a trick question that the Pharisees offer up to Jesus. We hear this question and immediately think that Jesus has to choose from among the 10 commandments given to Moses. But the Pharisees …

St Theresa School Virtual Open House

- October 15th, 2020

Register today for the STS Virtual Open House, which will be held on Wednesday, November 11th.

18 de Octubre – XXIX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- October 15th, 2020

Mis queridos amigos, Sabemos lo ansiosos que están muchos de ustedes por regresar a las reuniones físicas de nuestros ministerios. Créanme, nosotros también lo estamos porque se pone muy tranquilo por aquí después de que la misa de las 5:30 pm ha terminado. Los ministerios son el alma de la parroquia. Toman lo que hemos …

October 18th – XXIX Sunday in Ordinary Time

- October 15th, 2020

My Dear Friends, We know how anxious many of you are to return to the physical meetings of our ministries. Trust me, we are too because it gets very quiet around here after the 5:30 p.m. Mass has ended. Ministries are the lifeblood of the parish. They take what we have received at the Holy Eucharist and not only …