Tune in as Deacon Fleitas joins the Saint Augustine Parish Town Hall on Wednesday, October 14th at 7pm to discuss “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” – a teaching document on the political responsibility of Catholics.
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Deacon Fleitas Town Hall on “Forming Consciences”
Past Events Archive - October 12th, 2020
Congratulations, Confirmandi!
Past Events Archive - October 9th, 2020
On Monday, October 5th, Bishop Enrique Delgado came to COTLF to celebrate the long-awaited Confirmation Mass of our Candidates who had their originally scheduled Confirmation postponed by the Pandemic in the Spring. We congratulate our 36 Confirmandi, together with their sponsors, families, and catechists who faithfully journeyed alongside them, and now welcome them to the …
Venerate the Relics of St. Therese!
Past Events Archive - September 24th, 2020
On Thursday, October 1st, the Patronal Feast Day of our Parish, the first-class relic of St. Therese, which was generously donated to the parish earlier this year, will be present at all Masses for everyone to venerate as we celebrate the life of our extraordinary patroness.
Join the 33rd Annual Life Chain
Past Events Archive - September 24th, 2020
Life Chain 2020 will be held on SUNDAY,OCTOBER 4 from 2:00 — 3:00pm. Stand with thousands of pro-lifers throughout the USA! You’ll be a light in a darkened world as you help put an end to abortion through prayer! Bring your whole family! Rain or shine! Our parish will stand along US1 and 63rd Ave …
Faith, Family and Financial Security
Past Events Archive - September 17th, 2020
On September 23rd at 7:30 pm on Zoom. World renowned economist, speaker, and author, Tom Hegna, will share his 7 steps to a SECURE retirement! Pre-Register at Register.FLKOFC.com
Introducing Text-to-Give!
Past Events Archive - September 17th, 2020
Introducing a new, convenient way to support your parish: Text-to-Give! To make a quick and easy donation via text message, simply send the code “[gift amount] offertory” to (305) 384-1365. So to make a $20 donation, send 20 offertory or for a $100 donation, send 100 offertory. As we roll out this new giving program, …
Catechetical Sunday to be Celebrated on September 20th
Past Events Archive - September 11th, 2020
Catechetical Sunday 2020 will be celebrated on Sunday, September 20th!
Those who the community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry by Father Manny at the 10:30am Mass.
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Thank you, Donors!
Past Events Archive - September 10th, 2020
Thanks to your generosity and support, the new Monstrance for weekly Adoration has now been selected and purchased. We were also able to purchase some additional, and much needed, vestments and other liturgical supplies for the church. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly!
New Monstrance Needed for Weekly Adoration
Past Events Archive - August 20th, 2020
Every Saturday morning from 8:30am-10:00am during Confessions, we have started celebrating a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction since we cannot have adoration during the week in our chapel. This is something we want to continue on Saturday mornings in our church until the chapel can re-open. Unfortunately the monstrance in our …
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