June 6th – Corpus Christi

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 3rd, 2021

My dear friends, Once again, I want to apologize for the bulletins not arriving on time last week. We are in the midst of a transition from one bulletin company to another. The details are still being worked out, and the previous two weeks we were able to get them printed. But having this happen …

May 30th – The Most Holy Trinity

From the Pastor’s Desk - May 27th, 2021

My dear friends, As we celebrate Memorial Day this weekend, our thoughts and prayers turn to all the brave men and women, especially from our parish and school, who gave their lives for this country and for the cause of freedom. We are reminded constantly that freedom is never free. These brave souls laid down …

May 23rd – Pentecost Sunday

From the Pastor’s Desk - May 19th, 2021

My Dear Friends: As we gather today to celebrate the great Solemnity of Pentecost, I am reminded that it is now one year since we returned to celebrating the Eucharist together after the 2 ½ month lockdown that sadly shuttered our churches. We gathered last Pentecost for the first time under the restrictions of the …

May 9th – VI Sunday of Easter / Mother’s Day

From the Pastor’s Desk - May 7th, 2021

Dear family: We are already in the month of May, the month that traditionally is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our heavenly mother. And what better way to begin this month than to celebrating our own mothers this weekend in which Mother’s Day takes place. I am still learning how to be without her …

May 2nd – V Sunday of Easter

From the Pastor’s Desk - April 29th, 2021

My Dear Parish Family: The outpouring of love that we have seen since the announcement of Father Arthur Dennison’s death has truly been moving. Our 7th pastor who served us from 2002-2011 died on Friday, April 23 in Key West where he had resided since 2013. The news could not make it into last Sunday’s …

April 25th – IV Sunday of Easter

From the Pastor’s Desk - April 22nd, 2021

My dear friends, The Fourth Sunday of Easter is always Good Shepherd Sunday and World Day of Prayer for Vocations. As Catholics, we should feel moved to pray for vocations every single day to the priesthood and the religious life. Today we pay particular attention to vocations to the priesthood because of the nature of …

April 18th – III Sunday of Easter

From the Pastor’s Desk - April 15th, 2021

My Dear Parish Family: “…let this holy building shake with joy.” Those words from the Easter Proclamation, the Exultet, move me every year when I sing them or hear them at the Easter Vigil. On the night when we celebrate the greatest event in human history, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, we gather to lift …

April 11th – Divine Mercy Sunday

From the Pastor’s Desk - April 8th, 2021

My Dear Parish Family:               What a Holy Week we just celebrated! This was the first Holy Week we celebrated together in two years because of Covid, and boy did we celebrate! Every liturgy, every song, every word that was prayed was said with such fervor that you could feel the church shake as the …

April 4th – Easter Sunday

From the Pastor’s Desk - April 3rd, 2021

My dear parish family, Happy Easter! You have no idea how happy your parish priests are to welcome you home to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord after spending it apart last year. May our church shake with joy this day as our Alleluia’s are sung with even greater fervor. We were quiet last year …