October 29th – XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - October 27th, 2023

My Dear Friends: The Catholic tradition of offering Masses for our loved ones, especially those who have died, can be traced to the beginnings of the Catholic Church. In the Eucharist we are united in a unique way with the faithful departed and the Communion of Saints. Why do we offer Masses for our loved …

October 20th – XXIX Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - October 20th, 2023

My Dear Friends: Today we celebrate World Mission Sunday which falls on October 22 which would normally be the feast day of our beloved Pope St. John Paul II. On this Mission Sunday back in 1997, he proclaimed our patroness, St. Therese of Lisieux, a doctor of the church. I thought it was only appropriate …

October 15th – XVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - October 13th, 2023

My Dear Friends: Let me be completely transparent with all of you: two weeks ago, when I got up to preach the homily to launch our Parish’s Centennial Campaign was one of the most stressful things I have ever had to do in my priesthood. Starting a massive project like this is difficult, and, at …

October 8th – XXVII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - October 6th, 2023

My Dear Friends: Last week, we officially launched our Centennial Campaign as we begin our three-year journey towards Little Flower’s 100th Anniversary. I am overwhelmed by all the positive feedback I received and all the pledges that have already been made. Our $13 million goal is indeed ambitious as are all the projects we intend …

October 1st – Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux – Parish Feast Day

From the Pastor’s Desk - October 1st, 2023

My Dear Friends: Happy 97th Anniversary! We are drawing closer to our Centennial Celebration! Today we gather to celebrate our patroness, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face: the Little Flower. We thank Archbishop Wenski for allowing us to celebrate our patronal feast this Sunday. After much prayer and input from our …

September 24th – XXV Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - September 22nd, 2023

My Dear Friends: “Let them turn to the LORD to find mercy; to our God, who is generous in forgiving.” (Isaiah 55:7)  Bringing people home to the Lord is at the core of what we do as a parish community. Last week, the gospel and my homily focused on forgiveness and lifting the burden that …

September 17th – XXIV Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - September 16th, 2023

My Dear Friends: This past week, our Religious Education Program began a new school year as close to 300 of our parish children began to receive catechesis. Today we celebrate Catechetical Sunday, and we commission our catechists and St. Theresa teachers who sacrifice so much of their time and talent to educate our children in …

September 10th – XXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - September 8th, 2023

My Dear Friends: This past Friday we celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary which also coincides with the celebration of Our Lady of Charity, who is the co-patroness of the Archdiocese of Miami and patroness of Cuba. Last weekend, our parish was blessed in such a magnificent way when the …

September 3rd – XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - August 31st, 2023

My Dear Friends: As we begin the month of September, all of our ministries are for the most part up and running. We have so many events, retreats, and workshops coming up to strengthen our faith that I thought it would be beneficial to highlight them in this weekend’s column.  Emmaus  Next weekend, we begin …